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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

One of my favor Cantonese Pork Meat Dish with Dry Vegetable - Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

This is a very common and popular dish, however, not all the restaurants can make it good, sometimes some places the meat is not well cook so is not tender enough, some other places meat is  not either too much fat , not enough or too much meat and not enough fat. It had to be the perfect proportion in order to make it tasty. The sauce are important too, too thick nor too thin is not good too. This place is ok, not excellent i givee 65% out of 100

I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. I will just go eat at the nearest places, Nothing fancy just some ordinary food. If i have time, and the places is not too loud , i will try to film and share it here with you. Off course i go out for dinner with family and friends a lot too, but i try not to film or take photos because i dont want to disturb people enjoying their food. Thank you for watching, please give like and subscribe I am a artist ( painter ), actor, singer, if you have time, welcome to vist my official site or my blogger Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

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