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Friday, September 27, 2019

西方風格的普通餐廳 我喜歡 Hamuburger & French Fry ( 一個人到處吃飯 Episode 3 ) Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

西方風格的普通餐廳 我喜歡 Hamuburger & French Fry ( 一個人到處吃飯 Episode 3 ) Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan ) 我喜歡北方菜 ( 一個人到處吃飯 1 ) I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. I will just go eat at the nearest places, Nothing fancy just some ordinary food. If i have time, and the places is not too loud , i will try to film and share it here with you. Off course i go out for dinner with family and friends a lot too, but i try not to film or take photos because i dont want to disturb people enjoying their food. Thank you for watching, please give like and subscribe I am a artist ( painter ), actor, singer, if you have time, welcome to vist my official site or my blogger Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

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