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Sunday, March 27, 2022

去吃我喜歡的波蘭炸豬肉排, 很好很好! Went to have my favor Polish Food 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


去吃我喜歡的波蘭炸豬肉排, 很好很好! 很多年前我和我的波蘭朋友去過這個地方許多許多次,但是自從他搬到其他省份後,我就沒有來了。今天我在這些 Roncesvalles Ave 地區附近,所以我一定要再來這個地方。我記性不好,記不住餐廳名字, 隨著記憶的淡去,我終於找到了這個地方....它的名字是Chopin Restaurant,165 Roncesvalles Ave, 但我不確定和他們以前的名字是否相同....看來他們換了新主人,因為以前是一位老太太。但食物仍然很好,真正的波蘭家常味道。我肯定會再次回來! ( 我記得那波蘭老奶奶, 她知道我喜歡她的炸豬肉排, 我上一次最後去這個地方大約是 10 年前,那天當我走進去時,我看到老奶奶坐在廚房門附近的桌子上,她看起來很虛弱。但是我一進來一坐下,她就 軟弱掙扎地站起來去廚房給我做炸豬肉排, 因為她很清楚每次我來這,是吃我喜歡吃她做的波蘭炸豬肉排.....她有另一個老太太幫手, 雖然好, 但當然不如她做的那麼好.....那時我告訴我的朋友, 這可能是我們最後一次見到這位老奶奶了!....波蘭老奶奶是個聰明鋒利堅強的老太太,我記得有一次在那裡吃飯,有一個半醉路人進來找麻煩,服務員不知道怎麼和他說話對付他,然後老奶奶出來幾句話並用她的手就推了傢伙出去..... ha 🙂 )
Went to have my favor Polish Pork Schnitzel. And it was good, i been this place many times years ago with my Polish friend, but since he move to other province , i did not come. Today i was nearby the areas Roncesvalles Ave ,so i make sure to come to this place again. i had bad memory and cant remember restaruant name too well, with fading memories i finally find this place, Chopin Restaurant. but i am not sure is it the same name they are before... It seems they change new owner , becasue before is an old lady...But the food was still good and real Polish homemake taste. Love it! will definately come back for sure.

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