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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A late lunch, but i enjoy it - Latino shredded beef and shredded chicken with pan fry Latino banana 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


完成事務後,在拉丁裔餐館吃一個遲來的午餐,看起來像一個小快餐店,但它他不是, 需要定制的,不是現成的食物! 我的訂單花了 15 多分鐘才到的...我點了牛肉絲和雞肉絲和煎拉丁香蕉的組合菜. 它非常獨特和美味,肉又嫩又好吃。很好我來晚了, 因為這個地方通常擠滿了人..拉丁裔是非常熱情友好的人,即使他們不認識你,也會打招呼和微笑...不要小看這地方小,他有大量的顧客. ( 加拿大不再限制病毒,因此您可以看到人們恢復正常的日常生活 )
Having late lunch in a Lainto diner. This small place look like a fast food , but it is not, need to place order to make . I order the combination dish mix with shredded beef and shredden chicken with pan fry Lantino banana. It taste unique and nice. Good that i come late because this place usually fully pack with people.

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