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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Happy To Meet Coco again.....

I went to the Bakery shop to have a causal afternoon tea break. I ask the lady owner how is the Dogie Coco i meet last year. Then one of the customer sitting at the table said you miss CoCo..i said yes. Then he said he going to call Coco's ownere ask him bring Coco to see me. Because he is his good friend..Then the owner come within half an hour with Coco. As soon as Coco come in the bakery shop, he just walk right into me and let me hold him up and give me a kiss. He still remember me even though i only meet him once and it is one year ago...Dog are so wonderful and great.. Well, big thanks to Coco's owner and his friend, he is so nice special come bring Coco to let me see him. No wonder Coco have such a friendly and nice character because his owner is a nice person. This is why i always said there is no bad dogs, only bad owners. 我去了麵包店飲下午茶, 我問麵包店女主人, 狗狗Coco 過的好嗎? 坐在桌旁的一位陌生顧客問我說你想念Coco? 我說是, 他說他打電話Coco主人, 請他帶Coco 來這裡見我, 他是他的好朋友...
所以Coco 主人他半小時之內來了, 把Coco他帶來..我很高興..Coco他一進入麵包店, 直接來找我,讓我抓住他和給我一個吻..我去年才第一次見過Coco一次,他還記得我 .狗狗真的是很棒...感謝Coco主人和他的朋友把Coco他帶來, 我不認識他們的
Coco他很友善, 因為他有一個友好的主人....

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