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Sunday, July 7, 2019

祝您順風 " - 一首受歡迎的流行懷舊歌曲 陳叔善 唱 (原唱歌手 鳳飛飛 唱 )

一首受歡迎的流行懷舊歌曲 陳叔善 唱 (原唱歌手 鳳飛飛 唱 ) My new official website: A popular old mandarin song, hope you will enjoy it, i used photos of my own solo art exhibition as the background for this music video so you can see some of my art work both in chinese water color and oil paintings By the way, i am a artist ( painter ), if you have time , welcome to visit my official website..the old one in the end of this video is no longer avaliable please come to the new one my blog 祝你順風作詞:夢千作曲:平尾昌晃 敬你一杯葡萄美酒祝你一路順風今夜我倆要分手離別滋味多難受再來一杯葡萄美酒趕走煩惱和寂寞今夜我倆離別後愛情不要給溜走千言萬語在心頭說不出來多難受你有什麼不如意寫信告訴我寫信告訴我.

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