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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Riot video i took in Toronto years ago ( video 2 ) émeute, zamieszki, randalieren, tumulto

Video 2 of 2
在多倫多我拍攝了這個騷亂影片, 請看看加拿大警察和防暴部隊,良好的訓練,充滿自信, 對公眾的尊重表現良好, 一個警察在這嚴重的局勢...甚至能夠充滿自信和我開玩笑....問我給他我拍攝的片段.....然後再看看今天有些香港黑警...無話可說!
I film this riot footage years ago when there is a riot in Toronto, as  you can see, all the police and special task forces are well train, well behave, and even able to crash a joke with me during very tense situation..... good quality and good self control Canadian police and speical task force

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