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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Philippine Beef Stew 菲律賓燉牛肉-陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


有很多菲律賓人住在密西沙加市, 正因為如此,也有很多不錯的菲律賓餐廳...偶爾,我會去吃菲律賓菜,它們非常好吃。我覺得我喜歡它的原因,因為它融合了菲律賓本土食物風格,中國食物風格,西班牙食物風格,這就是為什麼非常好吃......非常濃郁的味道... ,我要求他們煎我的雞蛋完全煮熟,因為我不喜歡陽光面朝上的蛋黃, 這燉牛肉又嫩又多汁, 與我們的港式燉牛肉不同的類型..這個味道是甜的.......我向一家香港麵包店的老闆推薦了一家菲律賓餐館的炸豬蹄。哇...我的上帝,她比我更愛它-炸豬蹄,而且她告訴我已經去過那裡超過 10 次了...ha.ha 🙂 一定要嚐嚐他們的冰淇淋甜點 Halo-halo
There are many Philippino live in city Mississauga, Because of this, there are many good Philippine restaurants too. Once in a while, i will go for Philippine food, they are very tasty....I really enjoy it. I recomended a Philippine restaurant to the owner of a hong kong style cafe in my city. My God, she love it more than me,she told me she went there with her family more than 10 times already..... They had excllent Deep Fry Pork Hock....make sure try their Halo-halo it

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