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Sunday, July 30, 2017

A quick meal - Peter Suk Sin Chan 急忙的午餐..陳叔善

so many things to do so little time, but still able to took some times for a quick meal,  one dish is stir fir beef and vegetalbe, and the other is stir fir hot and spicy chicken, plus a onion pan cake....honestly speaking, i make better taste onion pan cake than this , but this one is ok, not complaint.....well, happy to talk to you my blogger friend, hope you will have a nice day, take care and keep in touch
best wishes

Friday, July 28, 2017

A real fast food quick meal - Peter Suk Sin Chan

wow.. i was so so busy for a few appointments, so i had to rush to eat something so i went to a nearby food court to order a fast quick meal, it is the fir shrimp, sweet $ sour pork with fir noodle.  well, taste ok, i think because they just hot of the grilled not long , the pork are tender and juicy, the shrimp are still hot and crispy, fir noodle was ok, off course if they can have more like chicken, b.b.q port meat , mushroom slices will be even better  ( but keep in touch this is a fast food place not an restaurant so cant expect too much in it )...after ate something, full with energy again and then go to do all the things that i wish and hope to finished...nice to talk to you my blogger friend again, have a nice weekend, take care and keep in touch, Peter

Jointed our neighborhood's crime prevention program - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Jointed our neighborhood's crime prevention program - 應街坊要求參加了" 街坊犯罪預防組織 " - 最近今年數月來我們居住的區域多了很多入屋偷盗的案件,全是有組織的數人團體作案,雖然裝了防盗警報但賊人都計準了在10分內警方到來時全撤退..如得不到理想財物,
幾位盗賊便一起分工名自在幾分鐘内打碎所有傢俱裝飾品.. 近到連我們家對户的鄰居也被偷盗..因此全區域總勤員全部參加警方的街坊犯罪預防組織..嘩..原來精細到每條街的十多户户主全部統一組織起來互相監察陌生人及車輛, 可以直接跟負責這區的一位專人分配的探員合作報料及交换資料..每一條小街各自組纖自己的" 街坊犯罪預防組織會"...每街只有十幾户更易有效.正確.認真地守望相助監控..各屋主前後左右的錄影機24小時運作及送交謷方查看如有需要..( 請注意..警方在會上回答問題-,原來我們大家防盗攝影機不可只對正鄰居後園後窗, 但因現時攝影設備先進都己對準, 所以只須要攝影機影到自己小小部份的花園便不會被告或犯法了.....切記.. 慘...以後出入步行,由自己街頭到街尾都被所有住户全程公然偷錄...真要注意言行舉止,要行路似模特兒行cat walk,衣著不能暴露,以免益街坊( 便宜了鄰居  )...此外一位街坊問警員為何上次他在電話接收到他家防盗系统傳來及看著數人入他家偷盗, 他打911但對方表示派不出警方到他家?? 警員問他當時在那, 他說在美國加洲渡假. 警員說明白了, 告訴我們如果有發生和這鄰居情况,當打911時只會接到當到911線, 因此要告知此911代轉到他的地塸城市國家. 否則當地狗911他們無法協肋....切記......更有很多其他細節資料..不錯...哈..今日一次過認識了所有10幾位鄰居..很多鄰居驚訝表示住了10多年從未見過我及我一些的家人們.但當我們告訴他們我家的聖班納大狗狗,他們便表示呵!原來是我們的狗狗便明白了.因為他是我父親寶貝狗兒子.但他是大狗狗..獸醫說他每天要行一小時才可保持健康強壮,不似我其他小狗狗不用太多户外運動..但我爸年纪大.狗狗萬一用力太猛會拖倒父親. 所以便請了一位友善美麗的洋人金髮大姐每天早上準時來. 帶我們大狗狗外出溜及散步一小時..所以大家每天都見過我家的這大狗狗及金髮洋美大姐但却未見過我們..我們的專屬負責警員告訴我們年中會安排野餐, 一些個别鄰居的花園飲食聚會給我們街的住户交流深入認識, 書量要帶同家中各大小成員出席聯歡..以便大家全部認識大家及所有家人因此更易及有效認出陌生人..並己在我們街10多户中找了一位組長由她代報一切事情給我區警方如果我們不想自己打給他.....真多謝這位洋大媽, 這警員說這大媽有次一天之內打了10個電話給他並抄下陌生車的車牌號碼給他...結果...他根據資料找到所有車牌主人. 逐一打電話給他們查問為什麽要來這條街內....非常有效阻止了起碼這些陌生車輛再次無故進入街内....怪不得近來少了很多陌生車! 我和另幾位鄰居倒是關注有時有些陌生車開得超勁快駛入我們街道轉一圈, 因為鄰居有小孩子在門外玩耍及會開門讓狗狗出來散心怕會碰到出意外..警員告訴我們可以借用一個警方儀器放在家門前草地上它會自動拍下所有來往車輛車號,最重要是可以錄下車的速度而檢控車主..警員說最好有鄰居根據何時這些怏車人仕會來或經過,可以在門前草地坐著聊天看書及把這儀器放到最當眼處讓駕快車的人一看便知,這方法看似可笑, 但証實了非常有較,百試百靈....有幾位女鄰居洋大媽表示她們義務去做,因她住街頭, 有一位住街尾..飛快駛進來的車一定是會看得到這儀器及有人專誠在等待他們來及逃不過被抓錄到......!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

My Grape is almost ready in about one more month - Peter Suk Sin Chan

this year the grape is once again growthing very healthy, in about a month time, it will reach its maturity.... :)  hope things is going well with you my blogger friend, take care and keep in touch

Sunday, July 23, 2017

春風吻上我的瞼 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing

If you have time , welcome to visit my website and bloggers

Saturday, July 22, 2017

A quick meal....Curry Beef with Wild Rice

many many time i have a few several differents appointments at the same days, so i had no time to have a sit down relaxing long meal, so i will just go get whatever is nearby the areas and look ok then i will just order and eat, then keep moving on

this is a curry beef with wild rice, actually not bad, taste is strong enough,  they give too  many meat, i will like to see more green vegetables will be better..but this meal is very heavy, i was not hungry the whole day after i eat them

well, happy to talk to you my blogger friends again, take care and keep in touch

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Singapore fried vermicelli - a very quick lunch

i am on the go, so is kind of rush, and i dont want to go to fast food chains so on my way there is a tiny place i drop in order a Singapore Fried Vermicelli,  is ok, not bad, except this place dont sell pork, suck, i love pork and they use chicken instead which i know some people love it better but for me i want to have the b-b-q pork with it instead of the chicken, but overall not bad, no complaints,  happy to talk with you my bloggers friend again, have a nice weekend, take care and keep in touch

Wow. it really eat insects- the flesh eating plant caught a fly

Saturday, July 8, 2017

A simple light lunch - Manchurian Beef

My tropich fish is going to run out of food very soon, today i specially took a trip to the fish pet shop to buy the food for my fish. On my way, i feel hungry and i pass by a tiny, plain, simple unnoticeable Chinese take out or sit in restaurant ( cannot said restaurant, only 4 little tables ) mostly is for take out  purpose..... the place are so simple, old and kind of ugly, i order a Manchurian is their lunch special today even though it is almost 3.25 pm ...speical stop at 4 pm.  Wow..what a surprise, it taste very good, and the beef are so tender , juicy and fresh, wow... seriousely better than many so called nice restaurants.... it come with a free can of soft drink. i order an extra spring roll the total only cost with tax is Canadian Dollars $ 8.25... ( it taste good, next time i will go back and try a couple of their other dishes when i go to the fish pet shop )   well, thank you , have a nice weekend, keep in touch, your blogger friend... Peter from Canada

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bamboo Tree in Canada - Never know they can growth in Canada

i never know the Bamboo tree can growth in Canada, cool, like it..wish you all a nice day, take care ...Peter

Dim Sum Time - Peter Suk Sin Chan 飲茶食點心 陳叔善

In  the old time, for many Cantonese people , go eat Dim Sum is their everyday activities, just like people go to drink coffee everyday.... usually they will bring their birdcages with their favor birds together to the dim sum places and newspaper to read and to talk to their old friend for hours every early morning.....   here in Toronto, there are many places will provide dim sum during noon and early afternoon time, even though there is already enough choices to chose, but still there are some old dim sum dishes are missing...well, may be now not even avaliable in HongKong  too much works to prepare and dont make enough money may be the main reason too...thank you for coming to visit my blogs, have a greatd day ...from your blogger friend...Peter 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Happy to sing at New Kennedy Square for their Canada 150 special event

In past 10-15 years in Markham, Unionville, Scarborough, there are many many of this type of Chinese style shopping square, plazas , mall was built, many Chinese from HongKong, Taiwan and China  no longer go to Chinatown for their shopping anymore... New Kennedy Square is one of the popular one...