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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Dim Sum Time - Peter Suk Sin Chan 飲茶食點心 陳叔善

In  the old time, for many Cantonese people , go eat Dim Sum is their everyday activities, just like people go to drink coffee everyday.... usually they will bring their birdcages with their favor birds together to the dim sum places and newspaper to read and to talk to their old friend for hours every early morning.....   here in Toronto, there are many places will provide dim sum during noon and early afternoon time, even though there is already enough choices to chose, but still there are some old dim sum dishes are missing...well, may be now not even avaliable in HongKong  too much works to prepare and dont make enough money may be the main reason too...thank you for coming to visit my blogs, have a greatd day ...from your blogger friend...Peter 

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