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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

I meet a really friendly and cute Dogie

Hi, I am a artist ( painter ), if you have time, welcome to visit my painting website, the address are here, thanks

O..一隻非常友善的小狗!-今天我遇到了一隻非常友善的狗狗。他一看到我,就過來嗅我…然後他覺得他真的很喜歡我…連他的主人都說你在嗅什麼…哈…所以他的主人讓他回到他身邊。 .然後小狗對我微笑,哇..他舉起手向我打招呼..哈哈哈..太酷了..他的主人和我忍不住笑了....當他的主人把他帶走時......他走回我身邊並給了我告別吻......讓我開心

O..A Really Friendly Dogie!
I meet a extremely friendly Dogie today. As soon as he see me, he came to snif me out... then he decided he really like me...even his owner said what are you his owner ask him go back to him..then the Dogie was smiling to me and wow..he put up his hand to show a Hi, sign to me..ha.ha.. so cool and smart....his owner and me cannot stop laughing....When his owner took him away ..he walk back to me and gave me goodbye kiss.... Make my day


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