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Friday, March 15, 2024

年輕時,80 就到共產中國經商,那是四人幫倒台後不久,鄧小平開始改革開放!

Hi, I am a artist, if you have time, welcome to visit my painting website, here is the address, thanks

年輕時,80 就到共產中國經商,那是四人幫倒台後不久,鄧小平開始改革開放!
在加拿大西部大學(UWO)就讀期間,我幾乎每兩週飛往中國一次,甚至每週一次。,我是當時第一個隨父母去中國的兒子,甚至比我的兩個哥哥還早...通常我會先飛往上海探望我的祖父母(我母親那邊),然後前往北京進行商務會議和談判.....通常我星期四夜晚離開加拿大,然後去中國,下週二回來。我嘗試將所有課程安排在星期三和星期四。有幾門課程我不能上,但我的加拿大白人同學非常友善,很棒,他們會自願的把筆記借給我  ( 還記得第二天當我回來我去上課時,一些陌生的同學會來找我,並給了我他的筆記本..他說你缺課這可能對你有幫助。)  這樣我旅行回到大學後就可以跟上....當然,我聰明也能追得快..哈哈哈... !最後一張照片是我真正的表弟,他和我的祖父母住在上海。80年代初期 ,我做著一個非常不容易的工作,從加拿大賣東西到北京,如果人們當時曾與共產中國做生意或嘗試做生意,那麼他們就會知道這有多困難 ( 我是賣給他們,而不是跟他們買  ) 但我做得很好非常成功...當然要感謝中國商業上從上到下的所有人的幫助,當然還有我的父母
Went to Communist China do business at young age. I fly to China almost every second week and many times even once a week while i was studied in Western University in Canada ( UWO ).Usually i leave Canada at thursday night after class then go China and come back in next tuesday. I tried to arrange all  my classes in Wed and Thursday. A couple of the courses i cant change, so i just miss them, but my Canadian classmates are so nice and great, they will lent me their notes so i can catch up once i come back to university from my trip..I was the first son go to China with my parents at that time even earlier than my two elder brothers...Usually i fly to Shangai first visit my Grandparents ( from my mother side ) then travel to Beijing to do business meeting and negotiation...The last photo is my real cousin , he live in Shanghai with my Grandparents.... That was  not a easy job because i am selling Canadian log & timber to China, however, i did a great job and very successful..Off course had to thanks all the people in china from top to bottms for their help and off course my parents.


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