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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

非常獨特的老街區老咖啡甜甜圈店.Very unique old nieghborhood old Coffee Donut Shop

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非常獨特的老街區老咖啡甜甜圈店...這家咖啡店已經在這裡經營了 30 多年。 24小時營業,從這裡製作他們自己的甜甜圈......我在這附近,所以我特意過來喝杯老華人老闆的咖啡, 因為我相信一旦他退休,這個地方也會消失....是我第二次來這個地方,上次來的時候,我問老闆除了這家咖啡店外,隔壁老餐館在哪裡?他告訴我店主退休了,他的孩子們不想接手,所以他們賣掉了它。我去過那家老餐館幾次。我通常點他們的炸薯條或公司三明治..! 這家咖啡店和那家老餐館很接地氣,沒有花哨的裝飾,對某些人來說可能看起來很醜,永遠不會來這裡喝咖啡或吃甜甜圈....但我覺得它有點獨特,有他自己的風格....哈,信不信由你,他們做的甜甜圈非常好,尤其是當他們剛出爐並從廚房裡出來的時候
Very unique old nieghborhood old Coffee Donut Shop, This Coffee Shop had been here for more than 30 years. Open 24 hours, making their own donuts from here.....I was nearby here, so i special come drop by have a cup of coffee from the old Chinese owner...because i am sure once he retired this place will be gone too..
This is my second times came to this place, last time i was here, i asked the owner where is the old diner besides this coffee shop? he told me the owner retired and his children did not want to take over , so they sold it. I been to that old diner few times . I usually order their french fry or club sandwiches...
Very down to earth no fancy decroation , for some people it may look ugly, will never come here for coffee or eat donut.....but i find it kind of unique and had his own style.... ha..belief it or not, they make very good donut especially freshly come out from their own kitchen
All reactions:
Chris Chan, Ching Leung and 2 others

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