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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A easy way how to do a Koi fish painting Demo - Zoom Painting Work Shop f Markham Public Library

My new painting website address are :


很高興和榮譽為加拿大萬錦市公共圖書館做了一個 現場視頻 Zoom, 向人們展示如何輕鬆簡單地畫錦鯉....這是一個適合所有年齡段的免費繪畫視頻...我沒有收任何錢,只是一個作為回饋社會的善意....並謝謝萬錦市公共圖書館 2 年前在冠狀病毒期間特別邀請我- 製作我個人的農曆新年慶祝活動的特別一小時節目 Zoom 訪談我的繪畫藝術.
Happy to did a live Zoom - How to do a easy simple Koi painting for Markham Public Library....This is a free painting workshop for all ages ..i did not charge any money, just a good will gesture back to the community.... Also specially thanks to Markham Public Library invited me for a one hour special Zoom interview for Lunar New Year Celebration talk about my paintings, 2 years ago at Lunar New Year Day during the covid period.
Very happy to hear the audience said they really enjoy the zoom meeting...Do you think i look like a teacher? Many people had asked me before whether i can teach them painting personally...but i am sorry because i am really busy and tied up with many things, so i am not able to teach anyone...may be oneday when i become much older and have more free time then i may try to consider but definately not now

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