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Monday, February 27, 2023

Went to a old and small Italian Coffee Shop for a cup of coffee, very unique place- Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

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今天大雪天,去一家意大利老牌小咖啡店喝咖啡...非常獨特的老感覺, 坐在這間古老的小咖啡店裡,突然覺得自己活在了舊時光裡!...通常我喜歡去小型私人咖啡店,它非常獨特和迷人...他們有非常美味的甜點,但對我來說太重了....我沒有訂購!....喝完咖啡休息後,我去了一家越南餐廳吃有點晚了的午飯...
Went to a small old Italian Coffee Shop to have a cup of coffee in today's heavy snowing day...very unique old feel..sitting in this old small coffee shop, suddenly i feel like i am living in the old time...usually i like to go to small private own coffee shop, it is very unique and charming....they have very tasty dessert, but too heavy for me........After my coffee break, i went to a Vietnamese Restaurant to have a late afternoon lunch...


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