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Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Today temperature is -9 degree, time to pig out, eat big Hamburger - :) Peter Suk Sin Chan

 今天溫度-9 - 是大吃大喝的時間- 大漢堡包... 非常好吃的漢堡包,適合冬天吃,讓我保持溫暖和充滿活力....-9度,但是一點風都沒有,所以不是很冷,美麗的藍天白雲,冷空氣很清新..感覺很好很開心

Today's temperature is -9, time to pig a big hamburger...Very tasty Hamburger, good for winter ..keep me warm and full of energy...-9 degree, but there is no wind at all, so is not that cold, beauitful clear blue sky and white cloud with very fresh cold air..feeling good and happy..

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