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Saturday, February 11, 2023

我去了一個迷你咖啡分享和討論聚會 I Went to a Mini Coffee Seminars

 我去了一個迷你咖啡分享和討論聚會....而 Bobby 波比 是這次活動的負責人.Bobby 4個月前剛從香港搬到加拿大(  很高興看到越來越多的年輕香港人來到加拿大..這對加拿大來說確實很棒,肯定會為我們的加拿大社會做出貢獻  ) ....活動在密西沙加市的 (TCCSA) 舉行. Bobby 正在用我選擇的咖啡豆為我手工製作咖啡...確實很好喝的咖啡,歡迎大家加入,免費....如果您想加入或了解更多信息,請聯繫那裡的信息...TCCSA 是一家知名且可靠的社會服務機構

I Went to a Mini Coffee Seminars .. Bobby is the one in charge this event. Bobby just move to Canada from Hong Kong only 4 months ago...Event held at The Cross-Cultural Community Services Association (TCCSA) in Mississauga...Bobby is hand making the coffee for me from the coffee bean that i chose..Very tasty coffee indeed, everyone is welcome to join, it is free of charge....!  TCCSA is an well know and reliable social service organization .

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