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Monday, February 28, 2022

Old Photos, Old Memories - 老照片舊回憶 -加拿大西安大略大學校友會 University of Western Ontario Hong Kong Alumni gathering event.陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


老照片舊回憶 Old photo Old memories
很高興很多年以前成為我們加拿大西安大略大學校友會在香港的執行董事之一.全年我們舉辦了許多有趣,有意義的活動. 這是眾多會員的大型聚餐活動之一. 在那一天我是為獲勝者頒發禮物的人. 我們有很多禮物要送出去,都是好玩又實用,不貴的的東西。比如那個男的贏了一雙女拖鞋,讓我和右手邊的執行董事( 立場新聞創辦人蔡東豪)穿著灰色西裝外套, 忍不住笑得差點死掉! 你看看在照片的所有的禮物包裝紙在桌子上高的都像小山.
Happy to became one of the executive director of our Hong Kong University of Western Ontario Alumni. We had so many fun, meaningful events throughout the year. This is one of the big gathering meal events of many members. I am the one handing out the gifts for all the winner. We got tons of gifts to give out. All of them are fun and practical items, not expensive. for example, the guy won a lady slipper, which make me and our director Tony Tsoi ( later founder of Stand News )on the right hand side wearing grey jacket , can't stop laughing our heart out ....As you can see, on the corner of the photos all the gift wrapped paper pill up like little hill on the table.

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