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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 薑蔥炒叉燒蝦冬菇紅燒豆腐 " - 紅燒豆腐 - 美味又简单家常便飯做法 超详细讲解 平...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 薑蔥炒叉燒蝦冬菇紅燒豆腐 " - 紅燒豆腐 - 美味又简单家常便飯做法 超详细讲解 平...: ( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 ) ( in case when you go to my blogger or here in facebook, it sa...

" 薑蔥炒叉燒蝦冬菇紅燒豆腐 " - 紅燒豆腐 - 美味又简单家常便飯做法 超详细讲解 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 56

( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 ) ( in case when you go to my blogger or here in facebook, it say this video is not avaliable. Just click in the middle of the notice - not available then it will lead you directly into my video at once and you can start watching it )

紅燒豆腐  " 薑蔥炒叉燒蝦冬菇紅燒豆腐 "   美味又简单家常便飯做法 超详细讲解 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善  Episode 56

My Website
My Blogger

把豆腐煎到焦香酥脆, 再用紅燒方式

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Blue Tongued Skink - Must watch til end when feedi...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Blue Tongued Skink - Must watch til end when feedi...: blaues Zungen-Skink - Reptil lagarto de língua azul - réptil Синий язык сцинк - Рептилия, Must watch when this Blue Tongued Skink...

Blue Tongued Skink - Must watch til end when feeding him a live Blue Worm blaues Zungen-Skink - Reptil

( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 ) ( in case when you go to my blogger or here in facebook, it say this video is not avaliable. Just click in the middle of the notice - not available then it will lead you directly into my video at once and you can start watching it )

Special thanks for the Store staff, he saw i was interesting in this creature and taking video, so he told me he will give him a live worm to eat so i can film it and see how he eat.

blaues Zungen-Skink - Reptil

lagarto de língua azul - réptil

Синий язык сцинк - Рептилия,

Must watch when this Blue Tongued Skink Reptile eat a live worms My Blogger My Website

Friday, April 26, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Wish all the people in Ottawa, Montrea and Quebec ...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Wish all the people in Ottawa, Montrea and Quebec ...: Wish all the people in Ottawa, Montreal , Quebec areas a safe weekend. And hope they are all well prepare for the huge flooding and storm ar...

Wish all the people in Ottawa, Montrea and Quebec areas a safe weekend

Wish all the people in Ottawa, Montreal , Quebec areas a safe weekend. And hope they are all well prepare for the huge flooding and storm arrivial. Make sure keep all your Pets - Dogies, Cats, birds, Fish ..etc and all your valuable non replaceable memorable items in safe place.

Canadian Forces Troops move in Careton, Constance Bay..etc Ottawa - Gatineau region in danger situation..they ask residents over there for voluntary evacuation soon

  • A major storm threatens to dump as much as 35 millimetres of rain on the Ottawa-Gatineau region 
  • in Constance Bay  they ask residents for voluntary evacuation soon but they cant force them to do so.
  • it will take about two weeks for water level to drop down 
  • Ottawa, and the city of Clarence-Rockland have joined others in the region in declaring a state of emergency

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Montreal declared State of emergency due to weath...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Montreal declared State of emergency due to weath...: The state of emergency gives the city the power to seize land, to make evacuations mandatory and to put in place other flood prevention mea...

Montreal declared State of emergency due to weather - flooding in some areas

The state of emergency gives the city the power to seize land, to make evacuations mandatory and to put in place other flood prevention measures.
People had to leave their home, because is danger
Wish people in the affect areas are all safe 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Happy Easster to All My Friend 祝大家復活節快樂 Wesołyc...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Happy Easster to All My Friend 祝大家復活節快樂 Wesołyc...: HAPPY EASTER to all my facebook friends 祝大家復活節快樂 My two favor little Chicken ! I bought them couple years ago....  :) 我最喜歡的兩隻小雞 !...

Happy Easster to All My Friend 祝大家復活節快樂 Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych, Frohe Ostern, Feliz Páscoa, С Пасхой

HAPPY EASTER to all my facebook friends 祝大家復活節快樂
My two favor little Chicken ! I bought them couple years ago.... 
我最喜歡的兩隻小雞 ! 幾年前我買了它們 

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 清炖牛腩湯 加影如何做--清炖蘿蔔炆牛腩湯麵 步驟非常簡單好好食- 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Ep...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 清炖牛腩湯 加影如何做--清炖蘿蔔炆牛腩湯麵 步驟非常簡單好好食- 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Ep...: 清炖牛腩湯 加影如何做--蘿蔔炆牛腩湯麵 步驟非常簡單好好食- 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 54 My Website My Blogger 清炖牛腩湯 蘿蔔炆牛腩 ...

清炖牛腩湯 加影如何做--清炖蘿蔔炆牛腩湯麵 步驟非常簡單好好食- 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 54

清炖牛腩湯 加影如何做--蘿蔔炆牛腩湯麵 步驟非常簡單好好食- 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 54 My Website My Blogger 清炖牛腩湯 蘿蔔炆牛腩 港式牛腩麵

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: My Godson chrześniak , Patensohn, afilhado, anak...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: My Godson chrześniak , Patensohn, afilhado, anak...: Cannot belief my Godson growth up so so fast, i still remember when he just born,he is so so tiny ...time fly

My Godson chrześniak , Patensohn, afilhado, anak baptisnya, βαφτιστικός

Cannot belief my Godson growth up so so fast, i still remember when he just born,he is so so tiny
...time fly

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 粉絲蝦煲 - 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 粉絲蝦煲 - 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode...: 粉絲蝦煲 - 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 52 粉絲蝦煲 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴做法簡單的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 52 My Website tiny.c...

粉絲蝦煲 - 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 52

粉絲蝦煲 - 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 52

粉絲蝦煲 如何烹調燒做出好吃香噴噴做法簡單的薑蔥蒜大蝦粉絲煲 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episode 52 My Website My Blogger 惹味, 食譜, 步驟非常簡單,爽口彈牙, 蒜蓉, 湯匙, 太白粉, 貼士, 白胡椒, 醬汁精華, 芫茜, 指天椒, 美食料理, 廚房大小菜, 電鍋料理王, 副食材, 香菜, 紅辣椒, 芹菜, 年味十足的料理 , 主角, 基围虾, 宴客絕不失禮,

Monday, April 15, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 東食西宿 "

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 東食西宿 ": 郭台銘 最近說了一古代中國的單句成語 " 東食西宿 " 暗示一個受歡迎的政治人 物的思想和行為... " 東食西宿 " 古代一個美麗的女孩, 達到結婚年齡,  她的父母為她找到了兩個選擇, 東邊是億萬富翁,但看起來很難看...西邊...

" 東食西宿 "

台灣巨富 郭台銘 最近說了一古代中國的單句成語 " 東食西宿 " 暗示近日一個受歡迎的政治人 物得意忘形,信口開河, 左批右打, 看錢眼開 的思想和行為...
" 東食西宿 "
很多人都不懂 " 東食西宿 " ? ? ? 意思是
古代一個美麗的女孩, 達到結婚年齡,
東邊是億萬富翁,但看起來很難看...西邊是一個英俊帥氣但很窮的人, 她的父母讓她挑一個, 她舉起雙手, 她的父母很困惑
不清楚她想要什麼, ---她說-- " 我可以在白天留在東方吃東西生活, 晚上我去西邊睡覺 " .........代表 一個非常貪婪的人!

Peter Suk Sin Chan: English Speaking Version - Chinese Style Stir-frie...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: English Speaking Version - Chinese Style Stir-frie...: This is an English Speaking Version for all my English Speaking friend to watch and to follow how to cook this simple, easy, tasty and n...

English Speaking Version - Chinese Style Stir-fried Beef with Green Peppers - " Easy Cooking With Peter " Episo 5 Chinesisches Kochen,китайская кулинария

This is an English Speaking Version for all my English Speaking friend to watch and to follow how to cook this simple, easy, tasty and not expensive popular Chinese dish

Thank you for watching, have a great day
from your blogger friend

My website

Thursday, April 11, 2019

One of the most popular tropical fish - Sword tail 水族館 熱帶淡水魚

 ( PS...... in case you see the black square sign in my blogger page or here in facebook saying this video is not avaliable or so...just click the center part of this black square notice, then you will automatically able to watch the video.... )
( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 )

One of the most popular tropical fish - Sword tail 水族館 熱帶淡水魚

My Wesbsite

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Belief it or Not - A Living Dead Creature Break into home! . Untoter.... живые мертвецы..

 (   " PS...... in case you see the black square sign in my blogger page or here in facebook saying this video is not avaliable or so...just click the center part of this black square notice, then you will automatically able to watch the video.... "  )( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 

Hope you enjoy this video for all of you ghost lover
Have a nice day
take care and keep in touch
from your blogger friend

My website

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Onion Pork Chop - Peter Suk Sin Chan

hey, my dear blogger friends, i did a Onion Pork Chop for myself as dinner tonight. I had filmed this whole process in English speaking part as well. I will uploaded it in youtube once it finish post production and then will share it in here at my blogger with you... but will be a little while later please do wait.

Pork chop is one of my favor food. Here in North American , it seems to me not much people eating pork chop mostly is beef or chicken. In China and Europe, pork meat is very popular .
Wish you all a very happy new week ahead, take care and do come and visit my blogger when you have time.

From Peter
My Website
My Blogger

炒菜心 - 美味又步驟非常簡單的二种做法 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episod 51

PS...... in case you see the black square sign in my blogger page or here in facebook saying this video is not avaliable or so...just click the center part of this black square notice, then you will automatically able to watch the video.... )( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 )

炒菜心 - 美味又步驟非常簡單的二种做法 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 Episod 51 Thank you for watching. Please go to my Playlist and Look for " 平靚正快 煮食天地" section. You will able to see all videos from episode 1 and the uptoday newest uploaded video. Please give like and subscribe. My website My Blogger

Friday, April 5, 2019

談鬼說鬼話鬼 19 香港猛鬼警察局有女鬼/整群小孩都是鬼 /香港雨中鬼母子/還有更多其他鬼案子..恐怖異靈熱線..陳叔善主講

PS...... in case you see the black square sign in my blogger page or here in facebook saying this video is not avaliable or so...just click the center part of this black square notice, then you will automatically able to watch the video.... )( 如果 Facebook & Blogger 它說無法觀看 不可用, 請點擊中間它說無法觀看不可用部分, 然後你就可以看了 )

談鬼說鬼話鬼 19 香港猛鬼警察局有女鬼/整群小孩都是鬼 /香港雨中鬼母子/還有更多其他鬼案子..恐怖異靈熱線..陳叔善主講 My Website My Blogger

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Belief it or Not - Demonic Encounter - A Ghost or something else ?

Wow....this is for all of you, the ghosts fans.

Beef Fry Rice - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Hi, my bloggers friend,  today i did a Chinese Beef  Fry Rice for dinner. Taste so great and look good. I had filmed this cooking video already and it is in English speaking version. Because many of you are English speaking so i hope you can learn how to do it too. But you will have to wait until it is complete the post production process then i will upload here for you to watch.  This is just some photos to show you my Beef fry rice dish

Well, i am a artist ( painter ), if you like and have time, welcome to visit my official site

thank you for coming by, have a great day, take care and keep in touch
from your blogger friend

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Belief it or Not -Must see footage, caught in came...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Belief it or Not -Must see footage, caught in came...: If you see the sign saying this video is not avaliable or any my other video in here. Please just click the center of the notice box not...

Belief it or Not -Must see footage, caught in camera video tapes - A Ghost or a zombie

If you see the sign saying this video is not avaliable or any my other video in here. Please just click the center of the notice box not avaliable then you will able to watch the video immediately. I dont know why they had this notice on. so just ignore and click the center part not avaliable then it will be ok to watch

Please try to watch this in the desktop computer screen then  you can see more clearly the image of the ghost. Thank you for watching, have a great day,
from  your blogger friend

My website

Monday, April 1, 2019