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Monday, October 30, 2023

謝謝香港貓王岑南羚 Lanny Shum 為學生及朋友舉辦的生日快樂派對!...

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 謝謝香港貓王岑南羚 Lanny Shum 為學生及朋友舉辦的生日快樂派對!...

因為香港著名電視製作人和流行歌手岑南羚在11月份很忙,他要前往馬來西亞擔任世界歌唱比賽的評委,並在香港為即將到來的2024年三月演唱會在香港舉行新聞發布會。於是他聯合10月和11月生日的學生 '歡樂英文歌唱班' ,朋友提前一起慶祝生日 🙂 🎂☺🎂
Because famous Hong Kong TV producer and popular singer Lanny Shum is busy in November because he had to travelled to Malaysia to be the judge for the world singing competation and also have his press conference in Hong Kong for his upcoming March Concert 2024 in Hong Kong. So he combine the October and Novem…
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