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Sunday, December 18, 2022

One of my favor place of my boarding scchool is the Chapel and the study hall

 我最喜歡我寄宿學校的地方之一是禮拜堂和自習室....每天早上上課前早餐後,我們都會來到禮拜堂做晨禮。在樓上的後面也是我最喜歡的地方——我們稱之為自習室……那是我們在下一節課之前休息的時候,我們來這裡自習 ( 因為有些課可能要等 45 分鐘 )……但是一旦我到了高年級如果我沒記錯的話,我們可以在下節課前回自己的房間.....我在寄宿學校學習時在禮拜堂拍的照片(從 10 年級到 13 年級).....我沒有任何特定的宗教信仰,我只是喜歡教堂和自習室的設計……很有藝術感。.....小時候總想長大成人,所以一到十幾歲就覺得自己是個完全成熟的大人了,不過從這張照片來看還是有點孩子氣的樣子。。。哈哈。 .

One of my favor place of my boarding school is the Chapel and the study hall...Every morning after breakfast before class , we will all came to the Chapel for morning the back in the upper floor is also my favor spot - we called it The Study Hall....that is when we had break before the next class lesson we came here to study ourself..but once i got to senior grade then we can go back to our own room before next class if i remember of me taken at the Chapel when i was studied at my boarding school ( from Grade 10 - Grade 13 ) I dont have any specific religious belief, i just love the design of the Chapel and study hall...very artistic.

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