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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Christmas is coming soon!... 🙂 聖誕節快到了!

 I still remember when i was small, still living in Hong Kong, one of the best things to do is to go out to buy all the decroation to hang on the christmas is so fun, so joyful, one of the best moment of life........我還記得小時候,最好的開心事情之一就是和大人出去買所有的裝飾品掛在聖誕樹上, 太有趣了,太快樂了…… . ( 我的父母忙於他們的生意,所以他們從來沒有和我一起去買, 但這絲毫不影響我的開心和喜悅....實際上那更好,我可以選擇我喜歡放在樹上的任何物品,而不需要聽從他們的喜好選擇.....

🙂 )……

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