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Monday, November 15, 2021

Went out for a norther chinese simple causal dinner with family 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

和家人一起去吃一頓非常簡單​​的北方菜, 但是這個地方沒有太多北方菜的選擇...著名的山東菜幾乎沒有...更多的是川菜,東北菜.可能我住的這加拿大城市地方,這裡北方人少....所以他們更重視更多客戶的川菜和東北菜... ( 鲁菜,是起源于山東的齊鲁風味,是中國傳統四大菜系(也是八大菜系)中唯一的自發型菜系(對於于淮扬、川、粤等影响型菜系而言),是歷史最悠久、技法最豐富、難度最高、最见功力的菜系。2500年前山東的儒家學派奠定了中國飲食注重精细、中和、健康的审美取向;1600年《齊民要術》總结的黄河中下游地

Went out for a very simple and causal Northern Chinese food, but this place have limited choice for Northern dishes, may be the city that i live had less Northern Chinese so they more emphasis on Hunan ,Sichuan and North East Provinces's food.They dont have any famous Northern main dishes at all here. Shandong food is a very popular dishes for both the Royal Family in Ming and Ching Dyansty ( Chinese: 鲁菜 Lǔcài...Salty &crispy, favoring braising and seafood..Shandong was one of the first civilized areas,& it set the pattern for northern styles of cooking. With a long coast, seafood is its forte....They preserve the original taste of the seafood by using simple ingredients & braising, and they like vinegar , salt. Unlike southern cuisines, they serve much more wheat food, including their noodles. More on Lu cuisine...

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