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Monday, November 29, 2021

Go out for a Indian Hakka Cuisine -陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


Thank you for visiting my blogger, have a nice day, take care and keep in touch

from your blogger friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Enjoying a coffee break - 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


wish you all a great day

from your blogger, facebook, twitter and  youtube friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Friday, November 26, 2021



和家人在我所居住城市加拿大密西沙加市,一家簡單的餐廳去吃一個輕鬆的晚餐 , 由於有風現在變得很冷! 祝大家週末愉快Went out with family member for a very causal and relax dinner, because of the wind, suddenly it became very cold. Wish you all a very happy weekend, take

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Dim Sum time with family 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 我居住的加拿大密西沙加市只有8個地方可以吃到點心, 通常會去 Markham , Richmond Hill 和 Scrabough 吃. 但有時我家人會去我們住的城市吃點心.質量 有些很好 ,但有些就一般般! 希望更多的香港人很快就會搬到這裡,這樣它就會有更多的餐廳開業 ,有競爭才有進步 ! Usually we go to Markham, Richmond Hill, Scarborogh for dim sum, but once in a while will ate at the city where we live ( Mississauga ). The quality of dim sum here some are good, but some are just so so.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Taking a plane from Hong Kong back to Toronto -nice take off and landing scene 從香港起飛坐飛機降落回多倫多! 場景不錯-陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


Taking a plane ride from Hong Kong international airport back to Toronto international airport, some unique bird eye view of both cities

Wish you all a happy weekend, take care and keep in touch

from your blogger, facebook, twitter and youtube friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

I enjoy going out for Vietnamese food once in a while - 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 有很多越南人住在我住的城市 Mississauga 密西沙加市, 正因為如此,這裡有很多不錯的越南菜餐館. 大部分餐廳面積較小,但非常乾淨、整潔、舒適, 食物的質量很好.... 我偶爾也會獨自或者和家人一起去吃越南菜! 越南似乎很快就會成為最大的製造國之一,當我現在出去購物時,我看到越南製造的產品越來越多,而不是中國製造! 我居住的城市是加拿大最好的城市之一。它擁有超級城市所擁有的一切,但更新、更清潔、更安全。有很多工作機會從服務業,製造業,一般工人業 到高科技業..多倫多國際機場就是位於密西沙加市...這就是我 30 多年前搬到這個城市的原因,因為我在這裡開設了批發業務...如果香港人打算搬到多倫多,我的城市是你可以考慮的城市之一. 但與萬錦和士嘉堡相比,中餐館就少得多和差一些了.There is many good Vietnamese restaurants in the city where i live Mississauga. Most of them are good and sometimes i will go for Vietnamese food with my family. I enjoy their beef noodle soups, mix meat plates, shrimp roll, spring roll.....etc....

Monday, November 15, 2021

Went out for a norther chinese simple causal dinner with family 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

和家人一起去吃一頓非常簡單​​的北方菜, 但是這個地方沒有太多北方菜的選擇...著名的山東菜幾乎沒有...更多的是川菜,東北菜.可能我住的這加拿大城市地方,這裡北方人少....所以他們更重視更多客戶的川菜和東北菜... ( 鲁菜,是起源于山東的齊鲁風味,是中國傳統四大菜系(也是八大菜系)中唯一的自發型菜系(對於于淮扬、川、粤等影响型菜系而言),是歷史最悠久、技法最豐富、難度最高、最见功力的菜系。2500年前山東的儒家學派奠定了中國飲食注重精细、中和、健康的审美取向;1600年《齊民要術》總结的黄河中下游地

Went out for a very simple and causal Northern Chinese food, but this place have limited choice for Northern dishes, may be the city that i live had less Northern Chinese so they more emphasis on Hunan ,Sichuan and North East Provinces's food.They dont have any famous Northern main dishes at all here. Shandong food is a very popular dishes for both the Royal Family in Ming and Ching Dyansty ( Chinese: 鲁菜 Lǔcài...Salty &crispy, favoring braising and seafood..Shandong was one of the first civilized areas,& it set the pattern for northern styles of cooking. With a long coast, seafood is its forte....They preserve the original taste of the seafood by using simple ingredients & braising, and they like vinegar , salt. Unlike southern cuisines, they serve much more wheat food, including their noodles. More on Lu cuisine...

hey, human is it friday yet? 嘿,人類是星期五了嗎?


Wish all of you a happy new week, take care

from your blogger, facebook, twitter and youtube friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )   or


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Have a laugh!


美国外交官:你看,你们那里工作岗位叫饭碗,谋生叫糊口,过日子叫混饭吃,混得好叫吃得开,受人羡慕叫吃得香,得到照顾叫吃小灶,花积蓄叫吃老本,女人漂亮叫秀色可餐,占女人便宜叫吃豆腐,靠长辈生活的人叫啃老族,男人老花女人的钱叫吃软饭,干活过多叫吃不消,被人伤害叫吃亏,吃亏不敢声张叫哑巴吃黄连,男女嫉妒叫吃醋 ,下定决心叫王八吃秤砣,不听劝告叫 软硬不吃,办事不力叫吃干饭,办事收不了场叫吃不了兜着走…… 中国外交官打断他说:我们应该从战略高度讨论中美关系,您怎么尽说这些无聊的事,是不是吃饱了撑的没事干了?
醒来后中国外交官语重心长地说:先生,对中美新型大国关系的重要性,我们一定要吃深吃透。这方面我们两国都没有老本可吃。世界的游戏规则就是大鱼吃小鱼,但现在冷战思维已不吃香,合作共赢才能吃得开。只要中美两国强强联手,一定能赢者通吃。有些人喜好吃里扒外,破坏中美关系这碗饭,跟我们争风吃醋,让我们吃了不少苦头,建设战略伙伴关系更加吃力。我们一定要吃一堑长一智,不能再让他们吃着碗里看着锅里,也好让全世界吃颗定心丸。请问先生,对这些见解您还有什么吃不准的? 如果没有,我很愿意跟您在这个庄园里共进晚餐!

Thursday, November 11, 2021