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Monday, April 26, 2021

多倫多在病毒下. 城市封鎖. 購買商品只允許路邊拿你的商品 Curbside Pick Up - Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan ) 陳叔善


Well, Ontario, Canada is still under lockdown until middle of May. Now unless you are essential business other wise not allow to open. Also there is only curbside pick up only in some stores that are allow to open for online order. Like today i went to curbside pick up my order.

For this company, once  you arrive the stores, look for the carparks where they set up sign curbside pick up as show in this video, then you call the number on it, then give them your order number and their special pick up order just sit in  your cars then staff will come out with your goods and you just put it inside  your car. For bigger size goods, you have to turn to otherside of their warehouse entrance loading doors to pick up your goods

well, as you can see, not too fair for most of small size stroes because they dont have their own car park areas for this kind of curbside pick up. Also even people want to place order online, their shipping cost is no where near the huge big box companies becauses the small stores order is too small so they cant get a better deal with the transportation company . This is why many stores is already close their door  forever, few of the stores i know and restaurants is already closed forever few months ago already

Hope the virus situation will be better soon, have a great day, thank you for watching and visiting my blogger , take care

from your blogger friend

Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan ) 陳叔善

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