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Saturday, April 17, 2021

Canada is one of the best country in the world

 另一個原因證明加拿大是世界上最好的國家:因為加拿大尊重公民的權利和自由, 遵守權利憲章!

1-在安大略省省長 Dough Ford 不基於科學狀況下遏制第三波Covid-19 浪潮昨天下午宣布新的警察權力後.....面對強烈的抗議省長 Dough Ford濫用權力後的第二天, 今天安大略省政府便退後一步。( 感謝39/45 的安大略省警察局長和警察,他們清晰的說不會接受省長的命令 ) 副檢察長西爾維亞·瓊斯(Sylvia Jones)說,警察將不再有權阻止任何行人或車輛來詢問為什麼出門或索要住所地址。
eg I Stand With Teachers
Canada is number one place in the world, here is another best proved:
because we value and treasure freedom, respect the right of citizen, follow the Charter of Rights and the government listen to people!
BREAKING: The Ontario government is backtracking on allowing police to randomly and without cause stop and question people for not being at home (after 39/45 Ontario police agencies said they wouldn't do it).
#BREAKING: TORONTO - Ontario's government has walked back sweeping new police powers a day after they were announced.
Solicitor General Sylvia Jones says officers will no longer have the right to stop any pedestrian or vehicle to ask why they are out or request their home address. "
already many people are asking Premier to resign
eg. I Stand With Teachers
It would be so much easier if you listened to your advisors and took the right measures the first time. Then you wouldn't have to keep flip flopping.Please resign and take your MPP's with you.
2-Domenic - Doug Ford will resign before the next provincial election. I can almost guarantee it. He's done.
You and 楊千懿
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