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Saturday, October 5, 2019

多倫多購物中心美食廣場 食 燒肉燒鴨鹹蛋飯 ( 一個人到處吃飯 episode 6 ) Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan )

I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. If i finished late or too early thenI will just go eat at the nearest places.

My family have their regular meal hours and i dont want to disturb them to save food for me besides when i home then i have to reheat or recook them just too much works. Unless that day i was fully of energy and want to make something for myself when i home then is different story.

Most of the places i went for meal are simple and ordinary, nothing fancy just some common food. If i have time, and the places is not too loud , i will try to film and share it here with you. Often i do go out for formal dinner for many events and functions, but i will not film anything because majority of the poeple i dont know and is not too nice to hold up people just for me to take video, not considerate and not polite.

Well i hope you will enjoy all the videos that i film for you, if you enjoy them, please give like and comments, off course it will be best if you can subscribe my channel then whenever there is new video uploaded, it will notify you. Make sure when subscribe also click the notification bell too Thank you for watching
from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )陳叔善
I am a artist ( painter ), actor, singer, if you have time, welcome to vist my official site or my blogger Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )陳叔善

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