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Monday, October 28, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Horrifying Cases Of Ghost Caught in Home Security ...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Horrifying Cases Of Ghost Caught in Home Security ...: Ghosts and demons trying to come to your home and harm the living. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it's tough not to get freak...

Horrifying Cases Of Ghost Caught in Home Security Video Camera

Ghosts and demons trying to come to your home and harm the living. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it's tough not to get freaked out when you're alone and you hear something bump in the night.Terrify yourself with these scary ghost case

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Belief it or Not -撒旦鬼魔和邪靈 - 會說話的魔鬼

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Belief it or Not -撒旦鬼魔和邪靈 - 會說話的魔鬼: 魔鬼來源於猶太人的聖經,也就是基督教的舊約。原文的意思是毀謗者,也指撒旦,是一個與上帝對抗的大能的靈體,也是當前人類世界的統治者。因此在猶太教和基督教聖典中這個詞具有單一指代意義。然而在其它文化中,魔鬼的含義有所變化,但是普遍認為,這個詞含有貶義成分。 歷史學家認為,有關...

Belief it or Not -撒旦鬼魔和邪靈 - 會說話的魔鬼

魔鬼來源於猶太人的聖經,也就是基督教的舊約。原文的意思是毀謗者,也指撒旦,是一個與上帝對抗的大能的靈體,也是當前人類世界的統治者。因此在猶太教和基督教聖典中這個詞具有單一指代意義。然而在其它文化中,魔鬼的含義有所變化,但是普遍認為,這個詞含有貶義成分。 歷史學家認為,有關鬼魔和邪靈的信仰可以追溯到美索不達米亞的早期歷史。古代的巴比倫人相信地下世界,也就是所謂的「不歸之地」,是由尼甲神統治的。尼甲是一個殘暴的神,以專職焚燒人而知名。巴比倫人也害怕邪靈,他們以念咒來安撫邪靈。在埃及神話中,塞特是罪惡之神,「被描繪成樣子像怪獸,長著細長彎曲的鼻子、寬闊平直的耳朵、僵直分叉的尾巴」 撒但是上帝的仇敵,是他帶來了罪。但是多個世紀後,這個主張受到異教觀念影響而改變。《猶太百科全書》[3]說:「到公元前最後幾百年,情況已發生巨大變化。在這段時期,猶太教……採納了許多來自二元論(即世界由善惡兩種對立的法則控制)的主張,認為在天上和地上,代表虛假和醜惡的強大力量正與上帝以及代表真實和美善的力量抗衡。看來這是受波斯人宗教影響的結果。」《簡明猶太百科全書》[4]聲稱:「遵守誡命以及使用護身符,可以使人免受邪靈傷害 中國原始信仰體系中,人死後靈魂變為鬼,下到黃泉冥界。儒家認為「不言怪力亂神」[23],對鬼神之事並不關心。在佛、道教的影響下,中國有了與現今的魔、鬼近似的概念。「魔鬼」一詞在古書中曾有提到,意義接近於害人的鬼怪

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Demonic Possession- Footage of David possessed by ...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Demonic Possession- Footage of David possessed by ...: Demonic possession refers to the state of one being controlled, either directly, or indirectly, by a supernatural force, commonly o...

Demonic Possession- Footage of David possessed by a demon

Demonic possession refers to the state of one being controlled, either directly, or indirectly, by a supernatural force, commonly of satanic origins. Symptoms of demonic possession commonly claimed by believers include missing memories, altered personalities, convulsions (i.e. epileptic seizures or “fits”), fainting, and spastic hand movements. Many cultures and religions contain some concept of demonic possession, but the details vary considerably. The oldest references to demonic possession are from the Sumerians, who believed that all diseases of the body and mind were caused by "sickness demons" called gidim or gid-dim.[ The priests who practised exorcisms in these nations were called ashipu (sorcerer) as opposed to an asu (physician) who applied bandages and salves.[5] Many cuneiform clay tablets contain prayers to certain gods asking for protection from demons, while others ask the gods to expel the demons that have invaded their bodies. Shamanic cultures also believe in demon possession and shamans performing exorcisms. In these cultures, diseases are often attributed to the presence of a vengeful spirit (or loosely termed demon) in the body of the patient. These spirits are more often the spectres of animals or people wronged by the bearer, the exorcism rites usually consisting of respectful offerings or sacrificial offerings. Catholic exorcists differentiate between "ordinary" Satanic/demonic activity or influence (mundane everyday temptations) and "extraordinary" Satanic/demonic activity, which can take six different forms, ranging from complete control by Satan or some demon(s) to voluntary submission:[14] Possession, in which Satan or some demon(s) takes full possession of a person's body without their knowledge or consent, so the victim is therefore morally blameless. Obsession, which includes sudden attacks of irrationally obsessive thoughts, usually culminating in suicidal ideation, and typically influences dreams. Oppression, in which there is no loss of consciousness or involuntary action, such as in the biblical Book of Job in which Job was tormented by a series of misfortunes in business, family, and health. External physical pain caused by Satan or some demon(s). Infestation, which affects houses, things, or animals; and Subjection, in which a person voluntarily submits to Satan or some demon(s). The possessing spirit in "familiarization" is seeking to "come and live with" the subject. If accepted, the spirit becomes the constant and continuously present companion of the possessed. The two "persons", the "familiar" and the "possessed", remain separate and distinct. The "possessed" is aware of his "familiar True demonic or satanic possession has been characterized since the Middle Ages, in the Roman Ritual, by the following four typical characteristics:[17][18][19] Manifestation of superhuman strength. Speaking in tongues or languages that the victim cannot know. Revelation of knowledge, distant or hidden, that the victim cannot know. Blasphemous rage, obscene hand gestures, using Profanity and an aversion to holy symbols or relics. The Bible indicates that people can be possessed by demons but that the demons respond and submit to Jesus' authority: “ In the synagogue, there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, 34 “Ha! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” 35 “Be quiet!” Jesus said sternly. “Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. 36 All the people were amazed and said to each other, “What is this teaching? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!” 37 And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area. (Luke 4:33-35 NIV)[20] Official Catholic doctrine affirms that demonic possession can occur as distinguished from mental illness, but stresses that cases of mental illness should not be misdiagnosed as demonic influence. Catholic exorcisms can occur only under the authority of a bishop and in accordance with strict rules; a simple exorcism also occurs during Baptism (CCC 1673). Since Jesus is reported (in the New Testament) to have encountered people who were demonized and to have driven the "evil spirits" out of these demoniacs, Saint Hilary of Poitiers of the 4th century asserted that demons entered the bodies of humans to use them as if they were theirs, and also proposed that the same could happen with animals. Films by Peter Suk Sin Chan copyright Peter Suk Sin Chan 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Short Horror Film - Midnight Ghost 午夜鬼幽靈 - 一部短恐怖电影...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Short Horror Film - Midnight Ghost 午夜鬼幽靈 - 一部短恐怖电影...: 午夜鬼幽靈 -躺在床上不停地翻来覆去的男子........ 一部短电影... 年份...2019.10月23日公映 ...地区:加拿大 . 劇情:恐怖. 主演:Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan ) ....免费在线观看. ...

Short Horror Film - Midnight Ghost 午夜鬼幽靈 - 一部短恐怖电影

午夜鬼幽靈 -躺在床上不停地翻来覆去的男子........ 一部短电影... 年份...2019.10月23日公映 ...地区:加拿大 . 劇情:恐怖. 主演:Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan ) ....免费在线观看. 謝謝你的收看, 謝謝你的支持 ......請訂閱: From Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Canadian Conservative Party Leader - Andrew Scheer...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Canadian Conservative Party Leader - Andrew Scheer...: Canadian Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer giving speech at an election event 加拿大保守黨領導人競選活動的主題

Canadian Conservative Party Leader - Andrew Scheer speak at an election event 競選活動的主題

Canadian Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer giving speech at an election event 加拿大保守黨領導人競選活動的主題

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 2019 Canada Federal Election- Conservative Party L...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 2019 Canada Federal Election- Conservative Party L...: The Canadian Federal Election will take place in October 21, 2019. Andrew James Scheer PC MP (born 20 May 1979) is a Canadian politicia...

2019 Canada Federal Election- Conservative Party Leader - Andrew Scheer

The Canadian Federal Election will take place in October 21, 2019. Andrew James Scheer PC MP (born 20 May 1979) is a Canadian politician serving as Member of Parliament (MP) for the riding of Regina—Qu'Appelle since 2004. He has been Leader of the Conservative Party and Leader of the Official Opposition since 2017.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 藝術協會15週年晚宴 畫家陳叔善唱歌 路邊的野花不要採/榕樹下

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 藝術協會15週年晚宴 畫家陳叔善唱歌 路邊的野花不要採/榕樹下: 藝術協會15週年晚宴 畫家陳叔善唱歌 路邊的野花不要採/榕樹下 Thank you for watching From Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan ) My Website My Blo...

藝術協會15週年晚宴 畫家陳叔善唱歌 路邊的野花不要採/榕樹下

藝術協會15週年晚宴 畫家陳叔善唱歌 路邊的野花不要採/榕樹下 Thank you for watching From Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan ) My Website My Blogger

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 萬聖節. 心驚驚 " - 彼得的詛咒 - 殺人夜

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " 萬聖節. 心驚驚 " - 彼得的詛咒 - 殺人夜: 萬聖節(又稱諸聖節)與聖誕節一樣都是來自於基督宗教對其它文化的節日的吸收和重新詮釋的節日,真正的日期是在十一月一日。 關於萬聖節的起源說法不一,多數認為源於不列顛凱爾特人慶祝豐收的傳統節日(可能為夏末節),凱爾特人相信10月的最後一天是夏天的終結,冬天的開始,...

" 萬聖節. 心驚驚 " - 彼得的詛咒 - 殺人夜

萬聖節(又稱諸聖節)與聖誕節一樣都是來自於基督宗教對其它文化的節日的吸收和重新詮釋的節日,真正的日期是在十一月一日。 關於萬聖節的起源說法不一,多數認為源於不列顛凱爾特人慶祝豐收的傳統節日(可能為夏末節),凱爾特人相信10月的最後一天是夏天的終結,冬天的開始,是一年的重要標誌、最重要的節日之一,稱其為「死人之日」或「鬼節」。相傳這一天各種惡鬼出沒,死去人們的靈魂也會離開陰間,在世間遊走,這天晚上也就格外危險。為了嚇走邪惡的鬼魂,凱爾特人會戴上面具。 另外在基督宗教方面,早期的大公教會(天主教)因為聖徒數目很多,無法一一立日紀念,就立在同一個日子來追念他們。按歷史文獻,最早如此紀念的是安提約基雅(安提阿)教會,紀念日定為每年聖神降臨後的第一個主日。後來教宗格里高利三世(690—741年)在羅馬聖伯多祿大殿中,把一座小堂奉獻給諸聖,並把紀念諸聖的日期改為每年的11月1日,目的是為了對抗當時已經開始流行的萬鬼節(Halloween)。教會在這個諸聖日(All Saints Day)中紀念所有聖徒,表彰他們的聖德,並使教徒視他們為效法的楷模。諸聖日的第二天為諸靈日(All Souls Day),是法國克呂尼修道院的院長聖奧迪羅(St. Odilo)於西元998年推廣的,在當日紀念殉教的信徒,也是基督徒掃墓的日子。天主教會也稱之為「追思已亡日」,以彌撒聖祭及各種祈禱來幫助尚未到達天堂的祖先、親友的日子。 古時愛爾蘭人認為十月三十一日及十一月一日間亡靈會回人間,故有習俗生者穿上奇裝異服,遊行驅鬼。當時歐洲也有為亡者布施糖果的習慣,接受者則答應以「為亡者祈禱」回報。於是發展出孩子們到各家索取糖果的習慣。 來自愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭的移民於19世紀將相關的習俗傳播到各個英屬殖民地,例如美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、紐西蘭等地,其他國家則於20世紀末受美國文化影響而開始慶祝萬聖夜。 萬聖夜的主題是鬼怪、嚇人,以及與死亡、陰陽、魔法、怪物有關的事物。通常與萬聖夜扯上關係的事物有南瓜、鬼魂、食屍鬼、女巫、蝙蝠、黑貓、貓頭鷹、精靈、殭屍、骷髏和惡魔等,還有虛構人物如吸血鬼和科學怪人。而黑色和橙色是萬聖夜的傳統顏色。現代萬聖夜的產品也大量使用紫色、綠色和紅色。秋天的元素如南瓜和稻草人等,也成為萬聖節的象徵。 傑克燈(英語:Jack-o'-lantern)是萬聖夜最廣為人知的象徵物。在英國和愛爾蘭,當地人在挖空的蕪菁或甜菜根中燃點蠟燭製成傑克燈。後來移民到美國的人,將本來用於慶祝豐收的雕刻南瓜,改為傑克南瓜燈,因為南瓜比較大而且容易在上面雕刻圖案。不少家庭在南瓜上鑿刻嚇人的面容,並放在大門口的階梯上,意在驅走惡魔與妖怪。

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " Exorcist Rites 2019 " - a short horror documenta...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " Exorcist Rites 2019 " - a short horror documenta...: " Exorcist Rites 2019 " - a short horror documentary film- supernatural horror film In a Roman Catholic context, exorcist ma...

" Exorcist Rites 2019 " - a short horror documentary film

" Exorcist Rites 2019 " - a short horror documentary film- supernatural horror film In a Roman Catholic context, exorcist may refer to a cleric who has been ordained into the minor order of exorcist, or a priest who has been mandated to perform the rite of solemn exorcism. Since at least the third century, the Latin Church has formally ordained men to the minor order of exorcist.[1] Text previously attributed to a fourth Council of Carthage (398), now identified as a collection called Statuta Ecclesiæ Antiqua, prescribes in its seventh canon the rite of ordination of such an exorcist: the bishop is to give him the book containing the formulae of exorcism, saying, "Receive, and commit to memory, and possess the power of imposing hands on energumens, whether baptized or catechumens". These exorcists routinely performed ceremonies over adults and infants preparing to be baptised. Authors such as Eusebius (3rd century) and Augustine (4th century) provide details of these minor exorcisms: Eusebius mentions the imposition of hands and prayer.[2] Augustine noted that rites of exorcism by exsufflation (breathing upon the candidate) were also performed for the baptism of infants.[3] The office of Exorcist was not a part of the sacrament of Holy Orders but as a sacramental was instead first conferred on those who had the special charism to perform its duties and later to those studying for the priesthood.[4] By the twentieth century, the order had become purely ceremonial. As a minor order, exorcists wore the surplice. In 1972, the minor orders were reformed; men preparing to be ordained as Catholic priests or deacons would no longer receive the minor order of exorcist; the minor orders of lector and acolyte were retained, but redesignated as ministries. It was left open to the Catholic bishops of individual countries to petition the Vatican to establish a ministry of exorcist if it seemed useful in that nation The rite of conferral continues in societies that use the 1962 (or earlier) form of the Roman Rite, such as the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, Society of St. Pius X, and also among groups not in communion with the current Bishop of Rome, such as the Society of St Pius V. Some believe[who?] that attainment of the position of Acolyte in post-Council practices implies ordination to the minor orders which used to be below it, such as Exorcist and Porter, although this has not been officially defined (although Canon Law section 1009 does specifically state that the only "orders are the episcopate, the priesthood and the diaconate"). The Eastern Churches did not establish a minor order of exorcist, but simply recognised the calling of lay or ordained members of the faithful who had the appropriate spiritual gifts.[1] In principle, every Christian has the power to command demons and drive them out in the name of Christ.[6] The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that: "Jesus performed exorcisms and from him the Church has received the power and office of exorcizing".[7] The 1917 Code of Canon Law[8] explicitly stated that the solemn exorcism of a person believed to be possessed may only be performed with the express authorisation of the local bishop or equivalent; "this permission is only to be given to priests of the highest repute". The revised 1983 Code of Canon Law similarly stated that the bishop is "to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence, and integrity of life."[9] The Catholic Church's Rite of Exorcism was revised in 1999. Paragraph 13 of its introduction states that a priest can be appointed by the local Bishop either for a single act of exorcism, or to the permanent position of 'exorcist'. The Rite then specifies that whenever it uses the word exorcist without qualification, it indicates a priest mandated in this way. Thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy this short horror documentary film from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Monday, October 14, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " Happy Halloween 2019 " - Curse of Peter

Peter Suk Sin Chan: " Happy Halloween 2019 " - Curse of Peter: Halloween or Hallowe'en also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in seve...

" Happy Halloween 2019 " - Curse of Peter

Halloween or Hallowe'en also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October. It is widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain; that such festivals may have had pagan roots; and that Samhain itself was Christianized as Halloween by the early Church.[12][13][14][15][16] Some believe, however, that Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday, separate from ancient festivals like Samhain.[17][18][19][20] Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related guising and souling), attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, as well as watching horror films. In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popularalthough elsewhere it is a more commercial and secular celebration.Some Christians historically abstained from meat on All Hallows' Eve, a tradition reflected in the eating of certain vegetarian foods on this vigil day, including apples, potato pancakes, and soul cakes Thank you for watching, hope you enjoy it, if you like to see more of the short horror films and clips that i produced, please go to my Playlist and search for section - Paranormal Activities, Poltergeist, Demonic encounter...etc section then you will find all of them If you can , please give like, and welcome to leave comment, good or bad is ok, hopefully you will subscribe my channel as well Thank you once again from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Peter Suk Sin Chan: A beautiful Large Golden Yellow Flower

Peter Suk Sin Chan: A beautiful Large Golden Yellow Flower: This flower is so so beautiful, just love it, hope you will enjoy it too, sorry i did not know the name of this flower, if you know, ple...

A beautiful Large Golden Yellow Flower

This flower is so so beautiful, just love it, hope you will enjoy it too, sorry i did not know the name of this flower, if you know, please let me know.
thank you for watching from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone - From Peter Suk S...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone - From Peter Suk S...: Happy Thanksgiving to All my Blogger Friends from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone - From Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Happy Thanksgiving to All my Blogger Friends
Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Scary Ghost Video - Real ghost caught on video tap...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Scary Ghost Video - Real ghost caught on video tap...: Scary Ghost Video - Real ghost caught on video tape? Scary moments caught on video which may haunt you . Enjoy it, if you are the ghost ...

Scary Ghost Video - Real ghost caught on video tape? Scary moments caught on video

Scary Ghost Video - Real ghost caught on video tape? Scary moments caught on video which may haunt you . Enjoy it, if you are the ghost movie lover. thank you for watching Thank you for watching. If you like to watch more other horror videos, please go to my playlist and look for Paranormal Activities, Poltergeist, Demonic Encounter...section. Please try to give like, or leave comment and subscribe my channel if you enjoy it. If you have time, welcome to visit my website my blogger

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 加拿大聯邦大選- 提前投票-加拿大選舉事務處把今天和感恩節長周末定為預先投票日.

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 加拿大聯邦大選- 提前投票-加拿大選舉事務處把今天和感恩節長周末定為預先投票日.: 加拿大选民将在10月21日投票, 正式稱為第43屆加拿大大選, 加拿大聯邦及省政府都是採用英國的西敏系統, 當中,國會下議院 ... 聯邦及省選都是實行單議席單票制。 ... 但是,因為策略考慮,執政黨通常會於四年以內舉行大選。上周开始,加拿大各地的民调公司忙碌起来了,都...

加拿大聯邦大選- 提前投票-加拿大選舉事務處把今天和感恩節長周末定為預先投票日.

加拿大选民将在10月21日投票, 正式稱為第43屆加拿大大選, 加拿大聯邦及省政府都是採用英國的西敏系統, 當中,國會下議院 ... 聯邦及省選都是實行單議席單票制。 ... 但是,因為策略考慮,執政黨通常會於四年以內舉行大選。上周开始,加拿大各地的民调公司忙碌起来了,都在各自衡量加拿大人对即将到来的联邦大选的态度。以下是最新数据的简要概述, 举行联邦选举时,您投票选举在国会众议院代表您的国会议员(MP),他们代表您参加议会. 辩论和通过法律。 加拿大分为338 个选区。大选时,每个选区选出一名MP .... 加拿大聯邦大選將於10月21日舉行,有加拿大香港人的團體正在敦促來自香港的選民要睜大眼睛,選出能代表他們利益的候選人和政黨。 加拿大聯邦大選海外投票,35萬加籍香港人能影響選情. 加拿大将在2019年10月选举出新一届联邦政府,新政府有可能改变现有的移民体系。 加拿大三大政党——现执政党“自由党”、“保守党”、“新民主党NDP” 各黨派正逐漸加大競選力度,爭取選民支持. 聯邦大選正式投票日在本月21日舉行。加拿大選舉事務處把今天和感恩節長周末定為預先投票日.

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Advance Voting 提前投票

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Advance Voting 提前投票: Our Canadian Federal Election is coming up soon in October 21, 2019 =================================================== ...

Advance Voting 提前投票

Our Canadian Federal Election is coming up soon in October 21, 2019

Is good idea to have the Advance Voting system- I went to cast my vote today at the Advance Voting Station near my area. Because i afraid i may be busy at the election i voted, great.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 多倫多購物中心美食廣場 食 燒肉燒鴨鹹蛋飯 ( 一個人到處吃飯 episode 6 ) Pet...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: 多倫多購物中心美食廣場 食 燒肉燒鴨鹹蛋飯 ( 一個人到處吃飯 episode 6 ) Pet...: I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. If i finished late or too early thenI will just go ea...

多倫多購物中心美食廣場 食 燒肉燒鴨鹹蛋飯 ( 一個人到處吃飯 episode 6 ) Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan )

I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. If i finished late or too early thenI will just go eat at the nearest places.

My family have their regular meal hours and i dont want to disturb them to save food for me besides when i home then i have to reheat or recook them just too much works. Unless that day i was fully of energy and want to make something for myself when i home then is different story.

Most of the places i went for meal are simple and ordinary, nothing fancy just some common food. If i have time, and the places is not too loud , i will try to film and share it here with you. Often i do go out for formal dinner for many events and functions, but i will not film anything because majority of the poeple i dont know and is not too nice to hold up people just for me to take video, not considerate and not polite.

Well i hope you will enjoy all the videos that i film for you, if you enjoy them, please give like and comments, off course it will be best if you can subscribe my channel then whenever there is new video uploaded, it will notify you. Make sure when subscribe also click the notification bell too Thank you for watching
from Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )陳叔善
I am a artist ( painter ), actor, singer, if you have time, welcome to vist my official site or my blogger Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )陳叔善

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Went for a Thailand Food - Peter Suk Sin Chan ( P...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Went for a Thailand Food - Peter Suk Sin Chan ( P...: 在多倫多去吃泰國菜 Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan ) I am single and working irregular hours, so usually i will go to the ca...

Went for a Thailand Food - Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )陳叔善

在多倫多去吃泰國菜 Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan )

I am single and working irregular hours, so usually i will go to the cafes, bistros, diner, restaurants, fast food places, that is nearby where i finished my works or appointments.Off course if i can, i wil l go to the one that i love , but usually i am in different areas so i had to pick the one that is very nearby me.

The places i went to eat are all very ordinary, simple, nothing fancy nor special..i just try to find some places that is comfortable, relaxing with good quality food and cooking,

Thank you for watching,  hope you enjoy it
Well, I am a full time aritst ( painter ), also an actor, singer, director, mc, and talk show host. If you have time, welcome to visit my website which is
or my blogger

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Hamburger and French Fry - Fast Meal ( 一個人到處吃飯 epi...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Hamburger and French Fry - Fast Meal ( 一個人到處吃飯 epi...: Sometimes i was busy with appointments and works. So i will just go to buy some food from fast food places. I like to buy from individua...

Hamburger and French Fry - Fast Meal ( 一個人到處吃飯 episode 5 ) Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan )

Sometimes i was busy with appointments and works. So i will just go to buy some food from fast food places. I like to buy from individual diner, cafe, restaurants, bristo or restaurants. Off course sometimes i will go buy from fast food chains when there is no other restaurants nearby. Thank you for watching from Peter Suk Sin Chan I am single, because of this, many time when i was out for appointments or works. I will just go eat at the nearest places, Nothing fancy just some ordinary food. If i have time, and the places is not too loud , i will try to film and share it here with you. Off course i go out for dinner with family and friends a lot too, but i try not to film or take photos because i dont want to disturb people enjoying their food. Thank you for watching, please give like and subscribe I am a artist ( painter ), actor, singer, if you have time, welcome to vist my official site or my blogger

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Falll in love with stranger's Dog Coco..and Coco g...

Peter Suk Sin Chan: Falll in love with stranger's Dog Coco..and Coco g...: This is Coco, i meet him more than one year and half ago in a bakery and coffee shop that nearby where i live. He is so friendly and h...

Falll in love with stranger's Dog Coco..and Coco give me a big kiss .. :)

This is Coco, i meet him more than one year and half ago in a bakery and coffee shop that nearby where i live. He is so friendly and he like me. Since then i did not see him anymore for more than a year until last month i saw him again in the same coffee place. He immediately remember me and let me hold him and play with him. Last week, i meet him again, at first i did not notice him was there, then i saw him standing in the chair looking at me and wonder how come i did not notice i hold him up in my arm and film this video, and you can see Coco give me a big kiss....