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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

一水隔天涯 畫家歌手 陳叔善唱 original singer 韋秀嫻

The 4 songs that i sing at the music event is a very popular old Cantonese song -This is a theme song of a box office successful Cantonese movie 50 years ago sung by my singing teacher Miss Winnie Wei Sau 韋秀嫻. I am happy that many audience told me they really enjoy me singing this song which make me feel very happy.. 
粤语长片《一水隔天涯》,1966年,香港. ,由苗金凤、张瑛主演,而唱片也写著由金凤主唱,不过其实主唱者是另有其人,她就是我的老師歌唱家 韋秀嫻。

謝謝本週的【名人名商】画家陈叔善 - 首页人物专访画家陈叔善 發布 2017-12-8- 373週刊 Thank You-This week's " Fame Weekly " 2017-12-8 edition 373 had a full front cover interview and aritcle of me as a Artist ( painter ) and details of my paintings and art works.... if you have time , take a look 

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