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Friday, December 15, 2017

白蘿蔔豬肉燉米飯湯 - 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 epsiode 17 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy it and start doing it yourself, very healthy and tasty chinese dish..Peter besides cooking and singing, i am a full time artist ( painter ) if you have time welcome to visit my website and blogger. my new website

謝謝本週的【名人名商】画家陈叔善 - 首页人物专访画家陈叔善 發布 2017-12-8- 373週刊 Thank You-This week's " Fame Weekly " 2017-12-8 edition 373 had a full front cover interview and aritcle of me as a Artist ( painter ) and details of my paintings and art works.... if you have time , take a look 

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