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Sunday, April 30, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Friday, April 28, 2017
中國國畫山水畫展覽 畫家陳叔善
謝謝本週的【名人名商】画家陈叔善 - 首页人物专访画家陈叔善 發布 2017-12-8- 373週刊 Thank You-This week's " Fame Weekly " 2017-12-8 edition 373 had a full front cover interview and aritcle of me as a Artist ( painter ) and details of my paintings and art works.... if you have time , take a look
my new website
Chinese Landscape Painting- by Peter Suk Sin Chan
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Mr. Sub commercial- Peter Suk-Sin Chan畫家陳叔善主演的攪笑廣告
This is a Canadian National TV commercial that i acted in years ago, hope you will like it
thank you for watching
Besides being a full time artist, singer, i am also a actor - is a Full Actra Member with more than 40 credits in commercials, tv series and film credits
If you like to see my art work, please visit my site
Monday, April 24, 2017
Mandarin song 你那好冷的小手 多倫多費玉清畫家歌手陳叔善唱 Peter Suk-Sin Chan sing-
很喜歡這一套音樂影片, 淡淡的, 幽幽地, 沒有怨沒有恨, 也沒有要生要死, 主人翁好像大病初瘉, 如夢初醒, 木木然, 悽悽然看着回憶起往日的一切, 不管是快樂的前事或那歡笑聲再嚮起 ,,一切似乎己經不要緊, 不再重要了, 心境有如千帆過盡...,.一切..,一切的,舊夢情深 就如那冬流水, 一去永不回頭 ...到最後他只是孤身上路, 消失在夕陽晚下... 不帶走任何一片雲彩........或許有的只是無限的思念.. .很多謝Triple Eight Productions 拍到了這種感覺和情懷
"That Little Cold Hand of Yours"
Copyright Triple Eight Productions © 2010
導演 戴活
版權 三重八製作©2010年
i hope you will enjoy my singing and this video , thank you, peter suk sin chan sing
Happy Got a Small Actor role in CBC popular Satire Comedy Rick Mercer Report - Peter Suk Sin Chan
I am so happy to get an actor role on one of my most favor Canadian actor Rick Mercer's popular tv show, Rick Mercer Report... here is a small clip
Richard Vincent Rick Mecer OC (born October 17, 1969) is a Canadian comedian, television personality, political satirist and author. He is best known for his work on the CBC Television comedy shows This Hour Has 22 Minutes and The Rick Mercer Report. He is the author of three books, based on content from the television shows.
Mercer has received more than 25 Gemini Awards for his work on television.
In 2003, Made in Canada ended its run as well, and Mercer began to work on a new CBC series, Rick Mercer's Monday Report. Similar in format to 22 Minutes and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the show debuted in January 2004. Also in 2003, Mercer went to Afghanistan to visit the Canadian troops stationed there (See: Operation Athena), resulting in the television special Christmas in Kabul.
Despite reports of a long-standing feud Mercer invited Walsh to appear on Monday Report as a special guest to promote her own series Hatching, Matching and Dispatching.
At the end of its second season, Monday Report was the highest rated arts and entertainment show on the CBC. Mercer has had a who's who from the world of Canadian entertainment and politics appear as guests on his show. Ex-Prime Minister Paul Martin gave him a private tour of 24 Sussex Drive and former New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent made snow angels with Mercer on Parliament Hill. Other prominent guests were NDP leader Jack Layton; Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper (former Prime Minister); Green Party leader Elizabeth May; then-Conservative MP Belinda Stronach; Conservative MP Peter MacKay; former Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams; Olympic gold medallist Kyle Shewfelt; author Pierre Berton; recording artists Jann Arden, Bif Naked, Rushbassist Geddy Lee and drummer and lyricist Neil Peart, and Sarah McLachlan; publishing mogul Conrad Black; and former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. When Mercer hosted a relief benefit concert for the victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the Pengrowth Saddledome in Calgary, musical guests Barenaked Ladies appeared in a segment Mercer shot backstage completely naked.
In 2005, the CBC moved Monday Report to Tuesday nights, which caused the show's name to be changed to The Rick Mercer Report. On his blog, Mercer wrote of the time slot shift that "we ended the season as the highest rated comedy show on the network. Clearly some drastic changes were needed."
My Peony Painting- Peter Suk Sin Chan
This is my Peony painting
size: approximately 2 ft high x 4 ft long
price: Canadian $ 2500
for info please visit my site
Ham and Egg Salad - Easy Cooking With Peter- " Epsiode 2 "
This is a very tasty and easy to make dish- The Ham and Egg Salad, if you have time , try it at home.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Water Color Painting - Fresh Water Fish Painting by Peter Suk Sin Chan
Thank you for watching, if you like to see more or purchase my painting please visit my site
Monday, April 17, 2017
中國書畫展覽 Fairchild TV Interview Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan - Lesiure Talk 新時代電視-大城小聚- 金牌司儀潘宗明訪問畫家陳叔善
Fairchild TV Interview Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan - Lesiure Talk 新時代電視-大城小聚- 金牌司儀潘宗明訪問畫家陳叔善
中國書畫展覽 陳叔善寫意牡丹
Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts in Canada
Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.
Besides painting, Peter is also a full member of Actra, had more than 40 credits in Canadian and US National TV commercials such as Pepsi, Mr. Sub, Kelloggs, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck..etc. Peter is also a Dialect Coach for Maggie Q 's popular TV series Nikita and various actors in different tv series.
畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少年時跟西洋畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews學酉洋畫, 及後經香港小姐張瑪莉介紹跟著名香港大畫家羅冠樵老師學習中國國畫, 在多倫多亦有帶藝跟隨孔雀王伍彝生老師再研習國畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, 富麗堂皇大氣,工寫雙伴, 洋為中用,中酉合一,畫作有箸劃時代多元文化氣息, 自成一派. 最受人贊颂便是他的牡丹花和錦鯉,非常值得收藏覲賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北美各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺自己最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 作品在北京,台湾台中市,高雄市,香港,美國紐約和加拿大各大城市展出, 並舉辦了3次十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章採訪,和接受加拿大華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 一小時播音訪問, 並應邀請在新城市電視皇牌節目"大城小聚"先後2次特輯專輯訪問畫家陳叔善等,被認為是少數最有影嚮力和收藏價值的海外華人畫家之一.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超過30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂, Mr. Sub, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck...等等....
畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語抒情經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美清爽,故有多倫多費玉清美譽之稱.不過陳叔善本人喜歡別人叫他為畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場和演唱會作演唱嘉賓及主持司儀....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.
Red Peony Painting Chinese Painting by Peter Suk Sin Chan
If you like to know more about my painting or like to purchase one please clikc the link below it will take you right to my website, thank you for watching
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
我還是永遠的愛著你 陳叔善唱 Mandarin song Peter Suk Sin Chan sing
Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts in Canada
Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.
Besides painting, Peter is also a full member of Actra, had more than 40 credits in Canadian and US National TV commercials such as Pepsi, Mr. Sub, Kelloggs, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck..etc. Peter is also a Dialect Coach for Maggie Q 's popular TV series Nikita and various actors in different tv series.
畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少年時跟西洋畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews學酉洋畫, 及後經香港小姐張瑪莉介紹跟著名香港大畫家羅冠樵老師學習中國國畫, 在多倫多亦有帶藝跟隨孔雀王伍彝生老師再研習國畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, 富麗堂皇大氣,工寫雙伴, 洋為中用,中酉合一,畫作有箸劃時代多元文化氣息, 自成一派. 最受人贊颂便是他的牡丹花和錦鯉,非常值得收藏覲賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北美各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺自己最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 作品在北京,台湾台中市,高雄市,香港,美國紐約和加拿大各大城市展出, 並舉辦了3次十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章採訪,和接受加拿大華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 一小時播音訪問, 並應邀請在新城市電視皇牌節目"大城小聚"先後2次特輯專輯訪問畫家陳叔善等,被認為是少數最有影嚮力和收藏價值的海外華人畫家之一.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超過30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂, Mr. Sub, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck...等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美清爽,故有多倫多費玉清美譽之稱.不過陳叔善本人喜歡別人叫他為畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場和演唱會作演唱嘉賓及主持司儀....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
黃色牡丹花 中國重彩工筆畫 國畫 畫家陳叔善 Peony Flowers -Chinese painting
For more infor please visit my new website
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017
著名書法家譚大師和我被安省中國美術會邀請為2017國際兒童繪畫比賽做評判, 大家久別重逢開心自在地拍照留念, 然後再多拍一張比較莊嚴一點的..不知您喜歡那一張? ( 譚大師的一張書法數年前加拿大郵局用來出中國新年特別郵票).本來洋畫家戴活 Daiwood. Derek Sypniewski 也有被邀請做評判, 但當日Derek 朋友車送他來時遇上車禍所以臨時不能來了, 幸好大家都没事
Happy to to be invited by the Chinese Artist Association as one of the judge for the Annual International Children Art Contest. The well known Chinese Calligraphy Artist Master Tam is also one of the juge, we havent meet for years so very happy, happy to see each other so we took a photo for memory, and then took another more serious one too. One of Master Tam's calligraphy was selected by Canada post few years ago as a special edition stamp for celebrating the Chinese New Year. Artist Derek Sypniewski ( Daiwood ) is also one of the judge but when his friend drive me to the gallery , he had an accident so cannot make it, fortunately no one was hurt....

Happy to be the Judge for the Annual International Children Art Contest- Peter Suk Sin Chan
Very happy and honor to be invited as one of the Judge for the Annual International Children Art Contest organized by the Chinese Artist Assoication.... There are suppose 12 of us all are well known local Canadian Chinese artists or famous Calligraphy artist .... but Artist Daiwood( 戴活), Derek Sypniewski - while his friend driving him to the Art Gallery, his friend had a car accident, so Derek (戴活 ) did not able to make it this morning..fortunately no one get hurt that is the good news
here... i am going to show you a few paintings done by the tiny little artist from age 4 up, it will charm up your day for sure.... there are more than 500 paintings we had to be not easy job, but very enjoyable indeed....
here... i am going to show you a few paintings done by the tiny little artist from age 4 up, it will charm up your day for sure.... there are more than 500 paintings we had to be not easy job, but very enjoyable indeed....
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Friday, April 7, 2017
中國書畫展覽 Fairchild Television Interview Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan 新時代電視" 大城小聚" 楊虹訪問畫家陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts in Canada
Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.
Besides painting, Peter is also a full member of Actra, had more than 40 credits in Canadian and US National TV commercials such as Pepsi, Mr. Sub, Kelloggs, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck..etc. Peter is also a Dialect Coach for Maggie Q 's popular TV series Nikita and various actors in different tv series.
畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少年時跟西洋畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews學酉洋畫, 及後經香港小姐張瑪莉介紹跟著名香港大畫家羅冠樵老師學習中國國畫, 在多倫多亦有帶藝跟隨孔雀王伍彝生老師再研習國畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, 富麗堂皇大氣,工寫雙伴, 洋為中用,中酉合一,畫作有箸劃時代多元文化氣息, 自成一派. 最受人贊颂便是他的牡丹花和錦鯉,非常值得收藏覲賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北美各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺自己最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 作品在北京,台湾台中市,高雄市,香港,美國紐約和加拿大各大城市展出, 並舉辦了3次十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章採訪,和接受加拿大華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 一小時播音訪問, 並應邀請在新城市電視皇牌節目"大城小聚"先後2次特輯專輯訪問畫家陳叔善等,被認為是少數最有影嚮力和收藏價值的海外華人畫家之一.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超過30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂, Mr. Sub, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck...等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美清爽,故有多倫多費玉清美譽之稱.不過陳叔善本人喜歡別人叫他為畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場和演唱會作演唱嘉賓及主持司儀....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
My Dogies and Me - Peter Suk Sin Chan
One of the most happy moment is to have my Dogies in my arm, at one times, i have total 7 Dogies at home, it is so so wonderful, love them all
Monday, April 3, 2017
Toronto Chinatown Festival- Peter Suk Sin Chan
I am very happy and honor to be invited by the Canadian Chinese Radio to be their guest singer to sing 6 popular old mandarin & Cantonese pop songs at this event. Hope you will enjoy my singing, thank you for watching
Especially thank you to Triple Eight Productions to produce such great video, really love it
Peter Suk Sin Chan singing popular Mandarin song Live
Besides being an artist, Peter is also a singer, in this video you will hear Peter singing a very popular old Mandarin sad song . Hope you will enjoy it.
除了畫, 陳叔善亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典抒情金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美清爽,故有多倫多費玉清美譽之稱.不過陳叔善本人喜歡別人叫他為畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場秀和演唱會作演唱嘉賓及主持司儀....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.
Painting of a Ancient Royal Ching Dynasty Beauty by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan
Painting by Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan
size: approximately : 22 inches high x 12 inches long
price: Canadian Dollars $ 1800
To purchase please email:
Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper & Artist Peter Suk Sin Chan ‧‧加國總理哈珀和華人畫家陳叔善
Photo of our Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper and well know Chinese Canadian artist ( painter ) Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan 畫家 陳叔善
Peter Suk Sin Chan was born in Hong Kong. He started drawing at the age of 4 and credits his elementary school art teacher Mrs. Muriel Andrews for encouraging him to develop his artistic talent. Peter started his own business and traveled extensively but realized that he was not fulfilling his true calling as an artist. He decided to give up his business and pursue his dream as an fine art artist. In addition to his passion for art, he is also established as an actor with over 30 credits for commercials that have aired in both North America and Europe. As a singer, he has been trained by the famous South East Asia songbird Madam. Winnie Wei Sau Han and has performed for various organizations, political fund raising dinner gala and concerts in Canada
Peter has developed his own unique style and character by blending of both Chinese and Western techniques in flowers, fish, landscape and depictions of ancient Chinese women. He became a wellknow Chinese artist and been interviews by both English and Chinese television stations and many newspapers. His works have been collected in both United States and Asia, and have also been exhibited in Beijing, Hong Kong , Taiwan , New York and throughout Canada.
Besides painting, Peter is also a full member of Actra, had more than 40 credits in Canadian and US National TV commercials such as Pepsi, Mr. Sub, Kelloggs, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck..etc. Peter is also a Dialect Coach for Maggie Q 's popular TV series Nikita and various actors in different tv series.
畫家陳叔善,原籍山東省,煙台市人.香港出生,自幼便喜愛自己畫畫,無師自通,少年時跟西洋畫家 Mrs. Muriel Andrews學酉洋畫, 及後經香港小姐張瑪莉介紹跟著名香港大畫家羅冠樵老師學習中國國畫, 在多倫多亦有帶藝跟隨孔雀王伍彝生老師再研習國畫.但畫家本人一直堅持著作畫一定要有自己的風格, 因此畫風獨特, 富麗堂皇大氣,工寫雙伴, 洋為中用,中酉合一,畫作有箸劃時代多元文化氣息, 自成一派. 最受人贊颂便是他的牡丹花和錦鯉,非常值得收藏覲賞.
陳叔善少年時就讀加拿大西安大學,主修政治及世界歷史,副修美術. 80年代末移民加拿大多倫多, 並創辦自己的工藝禮品批發生意. 常年不斷穿梭於中國,香港及北美各大城市. 雖然喜歡做生意, 但內心感到很苦悶, 驀然回首, 發覺自己最愛的還是畫畫, 於是在2006年毅然放下一切.全身投入畫的世界. 並且在短短的時間成為加拿大華人著名畫家, 作品在北京,台湾台中市,高雄市,香港,美國紐約和加拿大各大城市展出, 並舉辦了3次十分成功的個人畫展, 分別被此地中西電視台,多家報章採訪,和接受加拿大華語電台極受歡迎的節目 " 名人堂 " 一小時播音訪問, 並應邀請在新城市電視皇牌節目"大城小聚"先後2次特輯專輯訪問畫家陳叔善等,被認為是少數最有影嚮力和收藏價值的海外華人畫家之一.
除了畫, 陳叔善也是加拿大影視廣告播音演藝員工會 ( Actra ) 的正式演員. 先後主演超過30個北美英語主流社會電視廣告如百事可樂, Mr. Sub, CIBC, Mr. Big, Toilet Duck...等等....畫家陳叔善也是一位攝影師及導演制作人,亦是一位本地歌手,藝名 Peter Chan,專唱國粵語經典金曲,因為外型斯文歌聲甜美清爽,故有多倫多費玉清美譽之稱.不過陳叔善本人喜歡別人叫他為畫家歌手.畫家一直跟隨著譽滿東南亞花腔女高音歌唱家韋秀嫻老師學習歌藝, 亦經常被邀請為各僑社,團體,政客晚宴,各個商場和演唱會作演唱嘉賓及主持司儀....實在是一位真正多才多藝的藝術家.
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