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Monday, April 10, 2017


著名書法家譚大師和我被安省中國美術會邀請為2017國際兒童繪畫比賽做評判, 大家久別重逢開心自在地拍照留念, 然後再多拍一張比較莊嚴一點的..不知您喜歡那一張? ( 譚大師的一張書法數年前加拿大郵局用來出中國新年特別郵票).本來洋畫家戴活 Daiwood. Derek Sypniewski 也有被邀請做評判, 但當日Derek 朋友車送他來時遇上車禍所以臨時不能來了, 幸好大家都没事
Happy to to be invited by the Chinese Artist Association as one of the judge for the Annual International Children Art Contest. The well known Chinese Calligraphy Artist Master Tam is also one of the juge, we havent meet for years so very happy, happy to see each other so we took a photo for memory, and then took another more serious one too. One of Master Tam's calligraphy was selected by Canada post few years ago as a special edition stamp for celebrating the Chinese New Year. Artist Derek Sypniewski ( Daiwood ) is also one of the judge but when his friend drive me to the gallery , he had an accident so cannot make it, fortunately no one was hurt....

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