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Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 加拿大有很多西瓜可供選擇,而且價格非常合理,有時便宜得令人難以置信,就像我只在照片中展示的這個一樣,在特價每個 2.99 加元...尺寸也很大,你可以從照片中看到, 品質很好,非常甜,多汁,脆。

網路上很多其他國家的人問我加拿大有西瓜嗎?我告訴他們是有的,很多,很多,……品質非常好,來自美國,從小到大的各種尺寸,價格優惠,多汁、甜甜、酥脆。我們還有加拿大本地的,以及來自其他國家的....而且價格很便宜。例如這款特價促銷的美國西瓜每個只要加幣 2.99 美元,這個尺寸的正常價格通常約為 4.99 美元。當然,額外巨大尺寸的價格不同,但它們也都在 6.99、7.99、8.99 或 9.99 左右,除非是巨大的,然後是 13 左右...我已經很久沒去過香港了,所以我不知道西瓜的價格,但我確信這個價格肯定比香港便宜。而且它的品質很好,非常甜,多汁,脆。
Many people from other countries in internet had asked me is there any Water Melon avaliable in Canada? I told them yes, tons of them...very good quality one from USA all size from small to huge one, good price and very juicy, sweet and crispy. And we had also local Canadian one, from other countries as well.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Mother Day

 母親節快樂- 媽媽和兒子

當我5歲或6歲左右的時候,我和媽媽去了尖沙咀瑞興百貨公司 ( 瑞興它已經消失很多年了,大多數人不會知道這家百貨公司。它就位於今天的九龍酒店。) 我媽媽在化妝品部買東西。我覺得無聊,就問媽媽我可以去別的地方走走嗎?她說只要在她的視線範圍內就可以,因為那是一家安靜而高檔的百貨公司,所以很安全。當我走回去的時候,年輕漂亮的化妝品銷售小姐對我說,小DD(小弟弟)你媽媽就在那裡!--然後我就站在她面前嗔斥責問她「你怎麼知道哪一個是我媽媽??..她驚訝哈哈笑著告訴我....小弟弟你看起來和你媽媽一模一樣,就像餅乾模具一樣......你想要不認也不能……!這讓我很生氣……我走到我媽媽身邊,告訴她那位女士說的話,我媽媽微笑著告訴我,小姐只是逗你玩.... ( 你覺得我跟我媽媽長得像嗎?)
Happy Mother Day-Mother & Son
When i was around 5 or 6 years old, one day I went to department store with my Mom. My mom was in cosmetic dept buy items. I felt boring so i asked my mom can i walk around the other place ? she said ok as long as within her eye sight since that was a quiet and upscale dept store so is safe. By the time i walk back , the pretty young cosmetic sale lady said to me , little DD ( tiny little little brother ) your mom is right over there. Then i stand sill and asked her " how do you know which one is my Mom?? " She was so surpries and laughing telling me you look exactly like your Mom like a cookie cant denie this....ha ! which piss me off....i walk to my Mom n tell her what the lady said, my mom is smiling and tell me the girl is just trying to tease you ..( Do you think i look similar to my mom )

Thursday, April 4, 2024

敲敲門 - 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan/Peter Chan 原唱鳳飛飛.. 在加拿大多倫多 PMC

How are you? I am a artist ( Painter ), if you have time, welcome to visit my painting website, the address are;