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Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Simple and Happy Day!

Hi, how are you? I am a artist ( painter ), if you have time, warmly welcome to visit my painting website, here is the link,


我去了密西沙加中國城購物中心的三個不同的水族館商店為我的寵物魚購買食物。後來偷懶就到中心的美食廣場點了一份很簡單的便當——雞蛋炒蝦和蔬菜,沒什麼花俏的,但很舒服的食物。我買了兩塊我喜歡的零食但味道和品質不太理想. 但我今天不介意, 因為我很高興今天看到這麼多漂亮的魚, 心情好!
A simple and happy day!
I went to three different Aquarium shops in the ChinaCity Shopping Center in Mississauga to buy food for my pet fish. Afterward, being lazy just went to the food court at the center order a very simple dinner box- Stir fry shrimp with egg and mix vegetable, nothing fancy but comfort food.

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