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Friday, August 18, 2023

Dinner Hot Hamburger - 晚餐熱漢堡配蘑菇醬

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快樂相聚-一個愉快的夜晚 - 香港著名的電視製作人名歌手岑南羚

-很高興能和 香港貓王 Lanny Shum 岑南羚在一起,他向我們展示了他即將於 2024 年 3 月舉行的香港演唱會的計劃手冊和時間表..Lanny 非常好人說如果我們明年 3 月可以回香港的話,他邀請我們參加他的香港演唱會一起合唱一首歌....不幸的是我不會回香港,祝他一切順利,並真誠地希望你們大家都去看他的演唱會......80歲的香港貓王岑南羚演唱會! ...真的是一個難得的機會請不要錯過! 大量您喜愛的熱門歌曲..! 絕對沒有冷場!

Happy Gathering- A fun night - Famous Hong Kong TV producer and singer Lanny Shum - happy to be with Lanny, he is showing us his plan bookletand run down for his up coming Hong Kong Concert in March 2024..Lanny is so nice to invite us join his concert to do a group singing if we can go back next year. Unfortunately i will not be back to Hong Kong, all the very best wishes for his concert and make sure all your fans will not miss this rare opportunity 80 years old Lanny Shum's Concert 2024...

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