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Wednesday, May 31, 2023


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 去了在我住的密西沙加市的一家新開的越南人的餐廳....我所在的城市有很多越南餐館。大部分食物都不錯,都是越南人或者越南當地出生越南華人開的...所以如果你喜歡越南菜,我的城市是吃越南菜的好地方!...他們有巨大的牛骨湯麵,它帶有一塊巨大的牛骨....最好的之一。但我沒有點它,因為我是一個懶惰的人,需要用手去吃那塊骨頭很大的牛肉, 我不想花太多力氣吃它.....!

Went to a newly open Vietnamese
Restaurant in city of Mississauga where i live....There are many Vietnameses restaurants in my city. Most of them the food are good, they are all owned by Vietnamese or local born Vietnamese Chinese.

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