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Wednesday, May 31, 2023


My Painting Website Address:

 去了在我住的密西沙加市的一家新開的越南人的餐廳....我所在的城市有很多越南餐館。大部分食物都不錯,都是越南人或者越南當地出生越南華人開的...所以如果你喜歡越南菜,我的城市是吃越南菜的好地方!...他們有巨大的牛骨湯麵,它帶有一塊巨大的牛骨....最好的之一。但我沒有點它,因為我是一個懶惰的人,需要用手去吃那塊骨頭很大的牛肉, 我不想花太多力氣吃它.....!

Went to a newly open Vietnamese
Restaurant in city of Mississauga where i live....There are many Vietnameses restaurants in my city. Most of them the food are good, they are all owned by Vietnamese or local born Vietnamese Chinese.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Beautiful Purple Iris Flowers...美麗的紫色鳶尾花......

My Painting Website Address are:


花開時節再次遇見美麗的你...在過去的許多年裡,有時一年一次能看到鳶尾花盛開,有時甚至三年只能看到它...因為我忘了它的花期, 當我意識到這是她的花期, 已經太晚了, 花兒都沒有了.....但我真的很高興今天能再次看到紫色鳶尾花盛開.....
Beautiful Purple Iris Flowers

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Visiting a unique Art Exhibition at OCAD University , Toronto, Canada 參觀獨特的藝術展......值得一看和探索......

 My art painting website address:

這是多倫多市中心 OCDA 大學的年度開放日藝術展....最有創意和有趣的是,他們讓不同的學生在所有 6 層樓的樓梯和地板上繪畫...最重要的是,他們充分體現了藝術表達的自由,創作的自由,沒有任何限製或障礙……學習藝術和欣賞藝術並不是要求你成為一名藝術家或畫家,最重要的是鼓勵和開放你的思想和創造力,以便你可以將這種概念和能力應用到你所有的工作領域和生活中..創造新的東西造福整個社會乃至世界.....從別人那裡得到想法是好的,但你必須投入你自己的創造力..永遠不要復制,否則你將只是一個追隨者而不是創造者...比如共產中國40年賺了很多錢,但是他們只是跟風抄襲,從不提倡自由創作,所以他們有這麼多錢還是造不出最好最先進的頂級晶片
Visiting a unique Art much to see & Explore...This is the annual open house art exhibition of the OCDA university in Downtown Toronto....Most creative and interesting is that they had paint and draw picture on all the 6 floors stairways and the floor by various students...Most important is that they fully reflected the freedom of expression through art, freedom of creativity, there is no limited or learn art and appreciate art is not asking you to become an artist, most important is to encourage and open up your mind and creativity so that you can apply this concept and ability to all your work field and create something new which will benefit the whole society and even the world....It is alright to get ideas from other but you had to put in your own creativity..never copy otherwise you will just a followers not a creator