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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Busy preparing some used clothing for donation....


家人一直要我準備捐贈衣服,因為他們上週已經捐贈了,明天還要捐贈更多,所以我忙著準備一些舊衣服,明天就去捐贈一些用過的衣服, 雖然我穿過,但大部分衣服我只穿過十次左右,所以它們都很好,很乾淨,已經洗過...它們都處於良好狀態,沒有破洞或破損....我是一個非常愛乾淨的人,從小我就必須每天早上洗澡或淋浴,然後睡前再洗澡或淋浴....., 一些物品. 如黑色靴子、黃色襯衫……是全新的...我不會捐贈任何狀況不佳的東西......
My family keep asking me to prepare clothing for donation because they did it last week already and plan to donated more tomorrow, so i am busy to prepare some used clothing and will go donate tomorrow , even though they been wear by me, but most of the clothing i only wear around ten times, so they are all in good conditions , clean and already been wash... no hole or damage. besides,i am a very clean person, since a small kid, i must take a bath or shower every morning and one more before i go to bed......some items like the black boot, yellow shirt brand new...i will not donated anything that is in bad condition...

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