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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Fish & Chips

 去了我住的密西沙加市一家 30年私人家庭式擁有的炸魚薯條店...我喜歡 Halibut 大比目魚炸魚薯條......我很驚訝他們做的炸魚和薯條非常好...(我去了多倫多市中心的幾家炸魚薯條店,他們都被報紙和雜誌推薦,但到目前為止,沒有一家比這家好.....25 多年前,我經常去東海岸出差和商務展示。我在那裡吃過炸魚薯條,非常棒......我記得我第一次去那裡時,我點了炸魚薯條......哇......我的上帝,好新鮮,好新鮮,我問女服務員,你的魚是好新鮮,就像你現在抓的一樣……她笑著說,哈,哈,你說得對,它們是今天被漁民新鮮捕獲的,不到一個小時前才送到這裡 ..... 當然,無法將炸魚薯條的新鮮度與 East Caost 相提並論……但是這個地方做得還不錯,而且魚也不錯  ) 她做的涼拌捲心菜很棒..(  我在想下次來的時候我需要點大號的涼拌捲心菜,很好……哈……過了一會兒,她的一位顧客進來點了兩大盒涼拌捲心菜外賣……所以我是對的 🙂...她涼拌捲心菜上做得很好, 很好, )... ..一個小地方,但很多人在午餐和晚餐時間外賣,你可以看到有很多椅子讓他們坐下來等待外賣..沒有奢華的設計,簡單,放鬆,舒適......老闆娘人很好,問我要不要喝點什麼? ...我不想喝汽水,所以我問你們提供咖啡嗎?她說,是有的,她現在沒有,但她可以給我做一個新鮮的。所以我點了咖啡,我看著她為我一個人做了一壺新咖啡,當時除了我之外沒有其他顧客用餐,因為已經快下午 4 點了.....而且她只收取加拿大1.60元的咖啡,整瓶咖啡都會被浪費,因為至少在2小時內晚餐時間之前沒有顧客會來,當然她也不會為顧客提供那種剩下的舊咖啡.....) 優質的服務和商業態度..... 優雅漂亮的中年老闆娘人很好,她來告訴我魚和薯條快到了,並問我涼拌捲心菜怎麼樣?...然後她看到我剛把牛奶放在咖啡裡,她立即告訴我...我所有的牛奶都是從超市新鮮買,你可以看到到期日很新鮮,但是這個我怎麼覺得不好看......然後她拿走了我的咖啡,給了我一杯新的和新的牛奶(那些小小的圓形牛奶容器)確實很好的服務....... ha..可能她覺得自己不能欺負我這樣有禮貌的人  🙂

Went to a 30 years old family own Fish & Chip place in City of Mississauga where i live.....I was surprise they did a very good fish & chip ( i went to a few of the fish and chips places in downtown Toronto, they all recomanded by newspaper and magzine but so far none of them are as good as this one......more than 25 years ago, i often travel to East Coast to do business trips and business show. I had ate Fish & Chip there, excellent.... I remember first time when i went there, i order fish and chip god, so fresh , so fresh, i ask the waitress, your fish was excellent taste so fresh just like you caught them now.... She smile and said, ha, ha, you are right, they were freshly caught by fisherman today and just delivered here less than an hour course one cannot compare the freshness quality of the fish  & chip with East Caost...but this place did a acceptable job and the fish is not bad at all. ) the coleslaw she make was excellent....i was thinking i need to order the big size coleslaw next time when i come, very good...ha...after a short while, one of her customer came in and order two huge boxes of colesalw to take i was right, she did excellent job on the coleslaw....  🙂 i love Halibut Fish & Chip....A small place but lot of people waiting for take out during lunch and dinner time, as you can see there are many chairs for them to sit and luxury design, simple , relax and comfortable..The lady owner was very nice, she asked me do i want something to drink? ...i dont want to have any soft drink, so i ask do you serve coffee? She said, yes, but she dont have any now, but she can make one for me now fresh. So i order and she make a new pot of coffee just for me, because at that time there is no other dine in customers except me because it is almost 4 pm...excellent service and business attitude.

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