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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Happy Weekend - Part Two


去第一家水族店看魚, 中國城密西沙加一共有3家水族店,這也是我經常去那裡看魚的原因 🙂 當我正在拍攝我的視頻談論這個中國城市時,在花草灌木叢後面, 我聽到一個男人的聲音,他說你今天有空閒時間來這裡!我從灌木叢後面走回來,發現是這家第一家水族店的老闆。我說你怎麼知道在灌木叢前面人是我? 他笑說我去過他的店已經 20 多年了,他可以從我的聲音中聽出是我..ha.ha.. 他現在大約 40 歲出頭。他的店裡有最好的鐵餅魚( 7彩神仙魚 ) 和非常優質的海洋魚.......這是中國城密西沙加內的第二家水族店,但主要是海洋魚,沒有熱帶魚...和那裡的男主人談話,他是40多歲的帥氣的男人,我問他為什麼沒有熱帶魚了,我從他那裡買過很多熱帶魚的。他告訴我,熱帶魚經濟上不足以維持他的生意, 每次顧客購買魚至少需要 60 元,那麼才能夠賺取到利潤, 但幾乎所有熱帶魚都達不到這個金額,除了少數....然後我去了第三個水族館, 我買了一對雌性孔雀魚,因為我的已經死了。看到我旁邊的小女孩也是熱帶魚的超級粉絲,她爬上梯子去挑選她喜歡的魚,而她爸爸在旁邊...之後,我去吃Jerk chicken。但是他們的Jerk chicken 對我來說仍然太辣了,儘管它很溫和。然而,這個地方有很好的咖哩牛肉和咖哩雞,在我看來比他們的 Jerk Chicken 好得多.....一個由一位加勒比海女士經營的小地方,她和她的女兒做大部分的烹飪,非常好的咖哩牛肉和咖哩雞我去過那裡幾次....哈哈..有人在我身後很開心,他也想在照片內... 歡迎 ha.ha. 🙂...我然後去咖啡店喝冰咖啡讓我保持涼爽....一個非常安靜、和平、放鬆的周末,一個人……從來沒有覺得有點無聊或孤獨,我真的很喜歡單身,我可以在任何時候做任何我想做的事.. 🙂
Went to first aquarium shop to see fish, There are total 3 aquarium shops in the China City Mississauga, and this is the reasons why I always go there just to see the fish 🙂. This is the second aquarium shop inside the China City Mississauga but it is mainly for Marine Ocean Fish no tropical fish... Then I went to the third aquarium shop, i bought a couple guppy femals because mine is dead. See the little girls next to me is also huge fan of tropical fish, she climb up to the ladder to pick her favor fish while her dad is besides here...Afterward, i went to ate Jerk chicken. But this one their jerk chicken still too hot for me even though it is mild. However, this place had very good Curry Beef and Curry Chicken, in my own opinion much better than their Jerk Chicken...A tiny place run by a lady, she and her danughter do most of the cooking, very good curry beef and curry chicken i been there few times...ha.ha.. someone is happy behind me and want to get into the photo too... ha.ha ..welcome 🙂 .....afterward go to a coffee shop to drink ice coffee to keep me cool....A very quiet, peacful , relax weekend , all by myself...never felt a bit boring or lonely, i really enjoy being single, i can do whatever i want at whenever time i like...! 🙂
楊千懿, Halina Wong and 11 others

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