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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

榕樹下 - 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan & 香港名電視製作人/名歌手 Lanny Shum 香港貓王 岑南羚在舞台上介紹即將到來的wow tv中秋節綜藝節目和嘉賓歌手


我愛唱歌...在我唱 "榕樹下"這首歌之前,香港著名的電視製作人/名歌手 /香港貓王/ 萬能歌王- Lanny Shum 岑南羚和我開玩笑

逗觀眾笑, 還介紹他即將上演的中秋Wow TV 有線電視綜藝節目細節和客串歌手!

I love singing, before i sing, famous Hong Kong TV producer and singer Lanny Shum jis having a oking gig with me  and introduced his up coming WOW Cable TV Special Variety Show for the  " Chinese Mid Autum Festival " which will air throughout the world.

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