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Saturday, July 9, 2022

My First Chinese Landscape Painting



這是我30年前年輕時畫的第一幅中國山水畫. 最重要的是這幅畫的標題和我的名字是由著名的香港大畫家我的國畫老師羅冠樵老師簽名的. 通常當有人開始學國畫時,老師會教他們梅.蘭.菊.竹。但是在羅冠樵老師教我竹, 梅的中途,羅冠樵老師決定不再繼續教我蘭和菊,他讓我立即畫一幅中國山水畫.....當我完成之後,羅冠樵老師他看到後, 他真的很喜歡, 他立即地在畫左邊加了石頭和一條船....然後說好,好,好..這是你的第一幅山水畫....留作紀念! ( 老師. 謝謝你 )
This is my first Chinese landscape painting that i did 30 years aggo when i was young. Most memorable thing about this painting is that the title and the name of this painting is signed by my famous Hong Kong big artist , my teacher Master Law KC. Usually when someone take a traditional chinese painting course, the teacher will teach them the four basic -plum, orchid, chrysanthemum, and bamboo. But after Master Law teach me the bamboo, plum, he decided not to continue teach me the other two flowers and asked me to do a Chinese landscape painting at once. And here is the painting that i did, after Master Law see my painting, he is very happy and immediately added the rocks on the left side and a small boat in the middle of my painting. He told me good, good, good, this is your first Chinese landscape painting, keep it for memory. ( Thank You, Teacher Master Law it is indeed a very valuable and memorable painting )

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