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Friday, April 15, 2022

謝謝多倫多電視台邀請我為他們20週年特別節目之一 " 移民故事" -Zoom Meeting. 感謝 Joseph 和 Rebecca 主持這次 Zoom 會議 Thank you Toronto TV invited me for one of their 20 years anniversay special program - Immigrant Story . They had invited 20 people to symbolize 20 years.


謝謝多倫多電視台邀請我為他們20週年特別節目之一 " 移民故事" -Zoom Meeting. 他們邀請了20個人來象徵20年人和事....感謝 Joseph 和 Rebecca 主持這次 Zoom 會議並邀請我成為他們的 20 位嘉賓之一。

Thank you Toronto TV invited me for one of their 20 years anniversay special program - Immigrant Story . They had invited 20 people to symbolize 20 years.  Thank you Joseph and Rebecca for hosting this ZOOM Meeting interview.

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