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Friday, April 29, 2022

Jamaica Jerk Chicken 牙買加非洲雞 -陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 下午 3.3 點左右在一家小型牙買加餐廳吃牙買加非洲雞, 雞肉很嫩,多汁!...很小的地方但是很忙很忙!...這個地方的廚師用的是很重的辣味,之前我去過的其他地方的牙買加非洲雞味道溫和, 更適合我, .每個餐廳的雞肉味道都有些不同,有些比較溫和,有些很辣,所以你必須嘗試找到適合你口味的餐廳...Jerk Chicken ,在多倫多的西方人中很受歡迎...........午飯後去喝咖啡

Have my lunch around 3.3opm at at a Jamican restaruant- Jerk Chicken...Very small place but very busy busy.....After lunch went to have a coffee.

Friday, April 15, 2022

謝謝多倫多電視台邀請我為他們20週年特別節目之一 " 移民故事" -Zoom Meeting. 感謝 Joseph 和 Rebecca 主持這次 Zoom 會議 Thank you Toronto TV invited me for one of their 20 years anniversay special program - Immigrant Story . They had invited 20 people to symbolize 20 years.


謝謝多倫多電視台邀請我為他們20週年特別節目之一 " 移民故事" -Zoom Meeting. 他們邀請了20個人來象徵20年人和事....感謝 Joseph 和 Rebecca 主持這次 Zoom 會議並邀請我成為他們的 20 位嘉賓之一。

Thank you Toronto TV invited me for one of their 20 years anniversay special program - Immigrant Story . They had invited 20 people to symbolize 20 years.  Thank you Joseph and Rebecca for hosting this ZOOM Meeting interview.

Friday, April 1, 2022

去吃了一個好吃又新鮮的上海粽子! Went to eat a good Shanghainese Style Zongzi 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


Zongzi or simply zong is a traditional Chinese rice dish made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves, or sometimes with reed or other large flat leaves. They are cooked by steaming or boiling. In the Western world, they are also known as rice dumplings or sticky rice dumplings.