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Monday, March 1, 2021

在外面晾乾衣服,-大鑊 -他不知道招來鬼跟著他 , 農曆七月鬼門開大禁忌,晚上不能 - " 談鬼說鬼話鬼 " 第44輯 陳叔善


Thank you for visiting and watching, have a nice day, 

Please notice:  i had formed a membership club in facebook for those interest in ghost, spirits

                         evereyone interest in the about topics are welcome to join, just request the membership

                         no fee at all.  Please go to facebook page and search for this

                         " 喜歡聽鬼故會員俱樂部 "

                         then you can joined.  You are welcome to post any topics like ghost stories, videos,                                 photos, strange voices...etc in this club

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