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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Good News for Canadian that lost their jobs !

Good News for Canadian that lost their jobs !
SENATE PASSED the emergency COVID-19 bill that raises $27 billion in direct support to 52 billion and now awaits royal assent. The bill is expected to get royal assent this afternoon.
CERB - The Canada Emergency Response Benefit ( CERB) will provide $2000 a month for four months for people who are off work and without an income as a result of the novel coronavirus
More other benefit for Canadian will come
Cannot agree more with Erin O'Toole message
" With a cynicism that is hard to believe, Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau attempted to exploit the COVID emergency to seize unprecedented powers for themselves. Not even in war-time has a government give itself unlimited powers to tax and spend, with no parliamentary oversight , for almost two years. Thanks heavens our Conserevative MPs stood up for us and said in the wsords of Pierre Poilievre " Hell no! "
They forced Trdeau to back down, preserving accountability and ensuring that working Canadians got the help they desperately need.

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