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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I order a smoke meat meal for myself

I order a Smoke Meat Meal for myself. Did not realize it is a huge portion. I order the regular size but it is huge, this photo did not able to show the actual size. They also had a choice for a Larger size . I enjoy it, meat is good, French fir is good, Coleslaw is good, Life is good....... : ) We have to keep a positive attitude for life, then everything will be fine. Life will take care itself.... My Friend ...點了熏肉吃,份量很大, 他們有另一個更大的份量供選擇! 熏肉,,炸薯條,涼拌捲心菜, 一切都好..人生也很美好...必須保持積極的人生態度...放鬆....事情會照顧好自己的.

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