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Saturday, August 10, 2019

Chinese Halloween - July the Ghost Month

鬼門關開了...鬼月已經來到...小心門窗... 小心撞鬼, click to watch the video 點擊相片觀看視頻This Month is Chinese Halloween Month- for my Western Friend if you have time, read the following info, it may sound silly or stupid to many, but for thousand years Chinese had following this tradition and belief tightly.
This is 1st day of Chinese Halloween, it last for a month long. It is different than the Western Halloween because it is not a fun or happy event. Chinese belief from today on and throughout the whole month. The door of hell will be open and all the spirits, ghosts are allow to come up to the earth to visit their relatives, friends , someone they dont like or to find their enemies to harm them or even kill them. Because this is the month that all ghosts got permission to come up to earth freely. This is why people had to prepare many offering to their ancestors & all those strange ghosts that come to visit . Usually you burn paper money, paper gold, paper silver, paper clothing, paper houses, paper them. Also offer flowers, wine, fruits and cook meats for the dead to take, to enjoy and make them happy so they will not harm you. Lot of special paper money ( from so called Bank of of Hell ) to burn on street nearby where you live so those angry, sad or poor wondering spirits or evil ghosts will take the money happily and leave you and your family alone. Also this is still a common practice in Hong Kong in many parts of the cities , towns ,will hire the popular Cantonese Opera groups to perform.. It is really unusual and scary. For when they do their opera show, the front few roll of seats are not for sale, it reserve for the ghosts. Some they also will do the Opera performance from midnight on til middle of the night. But there will be no audience sitting at those few hundred seats, all empty. It is specially performance for the ghosts to enjoy....not for public human.
Also there are many Taboo one had to follow in order to be safe & avoid seeing or meeting the ghosts .. here is just a few samples .... Did not go out alone in the late night, did not go for swimming in morning and night time, did not hang your clothing outside at night, did not hang any wind bell near your bed , window or doorway, do not wear red color clothings, dont take photos or videos at late night, do not make big noise or yelling at night, not a good time to watch ghost movies, do not burn good smell home sense it will attract the ghosts to come, did not playing with phone by ringing at late night espeically dont dail number 13 or 0, did not go visit or near any temples or church at late nights, did not go to visit hospital at late night , many extreme belivers even will not have their wedding on this months, will not go for travelling becuase this months is the highest percentage of accidents happening,...............etc......a long list of things not to do in this month

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