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Sunday, October 7, 2018

Western Hongnose Snake - very ugly and aggressive look - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Western Hongnose Snake - very ugly and agressive look The rear teeth of a Western Hognose Snake are not hollow as in the case of viper fangs and cannot inject venom. Western Hognose Snakes along with many other Colubrids produce a toxic salvia in a gland called the Duvernoy's Gland. The Duvernoy's Gland is not a venom gland it is a modified salivary gland. Unlike vipers or other venomous snakes, hognose snakes do not have hollow teeth to carry venom. ... Biting is not a form of defense for hognose snakes, so the only rare case where a human would be bit is if they smelled like their prey. Size: Hognoses are a heavy-bodied, stocky snake that will only reach between 1 and 4 ft in adulthood. Females tend to grow larger than Males. Life Span: 15 years is average for a Hognose Snake in captivity, but it is not uncommon for them to reach 18 years with appropriate care. he Eastern hognose snake is better known by its nickname, puff adder, derived from its aggressive display when disturbed. Its bite is mildly venomous, capable of sedating small prey, such as toads. ... So in fairness to Hognose snakes, tell me about Hognose snakes Hognose snakes are not constrictors; rather, they are rear-fanged and possess mild venom that enables them to overcome toads preparatory to swallowing them. Their venom is not known to be toxic to humans, and in fact hognose snakes have mild dispositions and rarely, if ever, offer to bite their captors. Hognose snakes do not produce poison at all, nor do they blow their breath at animals or people. All snakes have fangs, and a bite from one will hurt severely and lead to death. ... Not all snakes have fangs and not all have venom, and contrary to popular belief, most snake bites are not painful. my website my blogger

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