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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Paranormal Activity - Ghost Experience

Paranormal Activity - Ghost Experience

We all go to sleep every you know that?... you are not alone in the middle of the night..sometimes there is some strange visitors come to you while you are in deep sleep..and you even didn't realize! when we fall to sleep it is the most peaceful , relaxing and joyful time but also the weaker period for we did not notice anything..if you have Dog , you will know this is why your Dog love to sleep with you at night time not only just want to be close to you also he want to safe guide you...for may remember while you sleep in bed, if your family member come to your room, your Dog will immediately in very defensive positive or mood until he realize is one of the family member.....Hope you enjoy this short film, and sleep tight tonight..... thank you for watching my website my blogger

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

千言萬語 陳叔善唱

" 那天起, 你對我說, 永遠的愛著我, 千言和萬語, 隨浮雲掠過... ! " ........錯過了你, 真的也錯過了愛, 也讓我空虛了一生....... 《千言萬語》,華語經典歌曲。詞曲皆出自音樂大師左宏元(古月、爾英都是左大師的筆名)。〈千言萬語〉是電影《彩雲飛》的片中插曲,原主唱者為鄧麗君,1972年由台灣麗風唱片發行,1977年發行重新編曲配樂的新版本。〈千言萬語〉不但是華語樂壇不朽的經典,更是鄧麗君知名代表作,在她過世之後,這首歌曲更一再的不斷被重新翻唱。 〈千言萬語〉的詞曲都出自左宏元之手,他大多數的作品都是交由莊奴填詞,只有特別有靈感的時候他才會將詞曲都一手包辦,〈千言萬語〉就是這樣子的作品。左宏元希望鄧麗君藉著這首歌建立一個範本、好榜樣,不要耍花腔,不要很多裝飾音,只要字正腔圓將她的誠意和感情唱出來就好,鄧麗君在錄〈千言萬語〉時才19歲,他就陪在一旁以眼神、手勢來作無言的溝通,最後鄧麗君一次OK,左宏元對於這個成果也非常滿意[1]。1972年,鄧麗君首次錄製〈千言萬語〉,當時它的編曲和配樂較為簡單陽春,尚未能把這首歌曲的意境表現到極臻,但歌曲還是紅了。1977年,鄧麗君重新錄製〈千言萬語〉,這次她的唱腔和歌曲的編排上更加穩定成熟,完美的呈現這首歌,當今坊間時常聽到的就是這個版本。 電影《彩雲飛》是瓊瑤的作品,李行導演,由鄧光榮和甄珍分飾男女主角,左宏元負責該片所有音樂歌曲。原本左宏元打算將電影《彩雲飛》的片頭曲和片尾曲都叫〈彩雲飛〉,兩首〈彩雲飛〉使用相同的歌詞搭配不同的旋律,但後來他將片尾曲改名為〈我怎能離開你〉,尤雅演唱電影片頭曲,萬沙浪和鄧麗君則演唱片中插曲和電影片尾曲。 〈千言萬語〉是片中的一首插曲,左宏元早意囑鄧麗君來唱,這是繼電視連續劇《晶晶》之後,他第二次和鄧麗君合作。當時李行導演相當反對左宏元的這個決定(坊間亦有傳聞是瓊瑤反對,但左宏元在2003年接受記者訪問時,表示當時是李行導演反對),李行導演認為鄧麗君只有19歲,年紀不但很輕也沒談過戀愛,這樣的一個小女生怎麼有辦法詮釋電影劇情裡纏綿緋徹的愛情呢?左宏元告訴李行導演不必擔心,他說鄧麗君的音色和技巧非常好,其它的部分他會親自教導鄧麗君,也因為左宏元的這一番話才讓李行導演終於點頭答應[2][3]。 電影《彩雲飛》上映後,鄧麗君所唱的插曲〈千言萬語〉竟比電影主題曲還受歡迎,到後來〈千言萬語〉的鋒頭已經蓋過電影本身。鄧麗君也因為〈千言萬語〉在香港、東南亞一帶廣受歡迎,致使她在香港的知名度開始超越以〈今天不回家〉走紅的前輩姚蘇蓉。1977年,鄧麗君重錄〈千言萬語〉,收錄於《Greatest Hits》,1977年由香港寶麗金唱片發行,同專輯內尚收錄《彩雲飛》片尾曲〈我怎能離開你〉和〈路邊的野花不要採〉等歌曲[4][5]。 千言萬語 陳叔善唱 爾英 古月 不知道為了什麼 憂愁它圍繞著我 我每天都在祈禱  快趕走愛的寂寞 那天起  你對我說 永遠的愛著我 千言和萬語 隨浮雲掠過 不知道為了什麼 憂愁它圍繞著我 我每天都在祈禱  快趕走愛的寂寞 不知道為了什麼 憂愁它圍繞著我 我每天都在祈禱  快趕走愛的寂寞 那天起  你對我說 永遠的愛著我 千言和萬語 隨浮雲掠過 不知道為了什麼 憂愁它圍繞著我 我每天都在祈禱  快趕走愛的寂寞

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Monday, October 15, 2018

榕樹下 陳叔善唱

Special thanks to for making such a wonderful video
陳叔善 my website my blogger

榕樹下 陳叔善唱 远藤实 慎芝 路邊一棵榕樹下 是我懷念的地方 晴朗的天空 涼爽的風 還有醉人的綠草香 和妳繞過小路彎彎 情人山坡看斜陽 晚霞照上妳的臉 情話綿綿說不完 啊 妳可想起榕樹下 可曾想起緣草香 路邊一棵榕樹下  是我見妳的地方 甜美的笑容 親切的話  還有默默的情意長 妳曾陪我留戀春光  盡情細訴心中願 幾個春天已過去 就 是就是不能忘啊 啊  你可曾想起榕樹下  可曾想起綠草香 路邊一棵榕樹下 是我懷念的地方 晴朗的天空 涼爽的風 還有醉人的綠草香 和妳繞過小路彎彎 情人山坡看斜陽

Friday, October 12, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ghost - Scary Video of Scary Ghost Sighting..Real Ghost Caught On Camera?

Ghost - do you belief in Ghost, this video may change your mind... this is a scary video of scary ghost sighting....Real Ghost Caught on Camera????? my website my blogger

Monday, October 8, 2018

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Western Hongnose Snake - very ugly and aggressive look - Peter Suk Sin Chan

Western Hongnose Snake - very ugly and agressive look The rear teeth of a Western Hognose Snake are not hollow as in the case of viper fangs and cannot inject venom. Western Hognose Snakes along with many other Colubrids produce a toxic salvia in a gland called the Duvernoy's Gland. The Duvernoy's Gland is not a venom gland it is a modified salivary gland. Unlike vipers or other venomous snakes, hognose snakes do not have hollow teeth to carry venom. ... Biting is not a form of defense for hognose snakes, so the only rare case where a human would be bit is if they smelled like their prey. Size: Hognoses are a heavy-bodied, stocky snake that will only reach between 1 and 4 ft in adulthood. Females tend to grow larger than Males. Life Span: 15 years is average for a Hognose Snake in captivity, but it is not uncommon for them to reach 18 years with appropriate care. he Eastern hognose snake is better known by its nickname, puff adder, derived from its aggressive display when disturbed. Its bite is mildly venomous, capable of sedating small prey, such as toads. ... So in fairness to Hognose snakes, tell me about Hognose snakes Hognose snakes are not constrictors; rather, they are rear-fanged and possess mild venom that enables them to overcome toads preparatory to swallowing them. Their venom is not known to be toxic to humans, and in fact hognose snakes have mild dispositions and rarely, if ever, offer to bite their captors. Hognose snakes do not produce poison at all, nor do they blow their breath at animals or people. All snakes have fangs, and a bite from one will hurt severely and lead to death. ... Not all snakes have fangs and not all have venom, and contrary to popular belief, most snake bites are not painful. my website my blogger

Panther Chameleon - Brown Panther Chameleon Reptiles

Chameleons are very difficult to maintain and inexperienced reptile owners should not start with this reptile. Having said that, they are also not the most difficult exotic pet to take care of. ... Panther Chameleons, Veiled Chameleons, and Jackson's Chameleons are the most widespread species that kept as pets. Panther Chameleon Life Span. Panther chameleons can have a varied life span depending on the care they are given. Under good conditions, your panther chameleon should live 5 to 7 years. Chameleons are solitary animals. Forced handling or unwanted handling can cause hissing and biting. A chameleons bite is painful, however, not toxic or harmful to humans. Handling can cause chameleons to have chronic low-level stress, which leads to poor health. In very rare cases, females can be kept together under the watchful eye of an experienced keeper. Panther Chameleons are solitary animals, and only meet when it is time to breed. They do NOT live in groups, and should NOT be housed in groups. ... Gravid females will not even tolerate the site of a male. The panther chameleon was first described by French naturalist Georges Cuvier in 1829 generic name (Furcifer) is derived from the Latin root furci meaning "forked" and refers to the shape of the animal's feet. The specific name pardalis refers to the animals' markings, as it is Latin for "leopard" or "spotted like a panther". The English word chameleon (also chamaeleon) derives from Latin chamaeleō, a borrowing of the Ancient Greek χαμαιλέων (khamailéōn), a compound of χαμαί (khamaí) "on the ground" and λέων (léōn) "lion". The Greek word is a calque translating the Akkadian nēš qaqqari, "ground lion".[6] This lends to the common English name of "panther chameleon". Male panther chameleons can grow up to 20 inches (51 cm) in length, with a typical length of around 17 inches (43 cm). Females are smaller, at about half the size. In a form of sexual dimorphism, males are more vibrantly colored than the females. Coloration varies with location, and the different color patterns of panther chameleons are commonly referred to as 'locales', which are named after the geographical location in which they are found. Panther chameleons from the areas of Nosy Be, Ankify, and Ambanja are typically a vibrant blue, while those from Ambilobe, Antsiranana, and Sambava are red, green or orange. The areas of Maroantsetra and Tamatave yield primarily red specimens. Numerous other color phases, and patterns occur between and within regions. Females generally remain tan and brown with hints of pink, peach, or bright orange, no matter where they are found, but there are slight differences in patterns and colors among the different color phases. my website my blogger

baby translucent veiled chameleon -- Peter Suk Sin Chan

Translucent veiled chameleons were originally found in the wild in yemen. Chameleons are very difficult to maintain and inexperienced reptile owners should not start with this reptile. Having said that, they are also not the most difficult exotic pet to take care of. ... Panther Chameleons, Veiled Chameleons, and Jackson's Chameleons are the most widespread species that kept as pets. Things to remember when feeding your veiled chameleon: Rely on moisture on plants for water; mist plants 4 to 5 times daily and/or use a dripper. Feed daily. ... Sprinkle food with calcium supplement daily and a multi-vitamin supplement once or twice a week. Vegetables not eaten within 24 hours should be discarded. Chameleons are solitary animals. Forced handling or unwanted handling can cause hissing and biting. A chameleons bite is painful, however, not toxic or harmful to humans. Handling can cause chameleons to have chronic low-level stress, which leads to poor health. Veiled Chameleon Behavior. They may look cool, but veiled chameleons tend to be on the aggressive side, even when captive-born and bred. They don't enjoy being handled and the jury is still out on whether or not they can be successfully tamed. Chameleons have even teeth used from chopping prey to fights between rivals. ... Chameleons drink dew and rain water, but they can also adsorb water through their skin (like some desert iguanas and dragon lizards do). Most chameleons sleep near the same place they occupy during the day, but some individuals climb higher or lower before going to sleep. Chameleons of some species retreat into clusters of leaves while they sleep, to shield themselves from predators and cold temperatures. Unlike other animals that change color, such as the squid and octopus, chameleons do not modify their hues by accumulating or dispersing pigments within their skin cells, the researchers found. Instead, the lizards rely on structural changes that affect how light reflects off their skin, the researchers said. my website my blogger

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving - wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend - Peter Suk Sin Chan

This is our Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend 4 days long holiday...really happy. Besides Christmas, Easter, New Year and Halloween, Thanksgiving is one of my most favor festival because it will remind me always to be thankful no matter I was in good time or bad time. To be able to alive and see the morning sunrise is already a big blessing and giving, i am really thankful... wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Super Jungle Sunglow Bua Constrictor - shedding off his skin..scary look

Super Jungle Sunglow Bua Constrictor - shedding off his skin..scary look

This is the super jungle sunglow bus constrictor just finished shedding off his skin, look scary..... Boa constrictors strike when they perceive a threat. Their bite can be painful, especially from large snakes, but is rarely dangerous to humans. Once your red-tail boa measures 3 or 4 feet in length, it needs adult-sized caging. A sufficient-sized cage for adult boas measuring up to 8 feet long is a container with 8 square feet of floor space, such as containers measuring 4 feet by 2 feet. A cage height between 18 and 24 inches is OK. Feeding Frequency. The Urban Python recommends feeding juvenile boa constrictors once per week and adults once every 10-14 days. Boas won't eat if they aren't hungry, especially during shedding or illness. The only group of snakes able to eat an adult human being are the largest constrictors (pythons and anacondas, all nonvenomous), which include the largest snakes in the world: Green anaconda. Reticulated python. Burmese python. Pet boa constrictors should be fed only quality mice or rats. They need no additional food or supplementation. ... If your snake does not kill its prey (boas will not eat if they are not hungry or are kept under improper conditions), the rodent may bite or even kill your boa. No, Boas' sharp teeth help them to get a good grip on their prey, but unlike some snakes, they do not have fangs or venom. They are constrictors. The boa constrictor kills its prey by suffocating it.Feb 6, 2007 The younger the snake is, the shorter the intervals between sheds. Due to the high growth potential of young snakes, neonates and hatchlings can shed up to 9 times a year, if fed intensively (which should not be practiced that way). In adult boas, about four to five sheds per year are normal my website my blogger

Wednesday, October 3, 2018